Elena Blaginina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Poets



At the end of 2018, Russia established a new literary award named after Elena Bladynina, which is awarded for the books of poems for children. Applications are accepted annually until April 1, restrictions for authors by age, citizenship, place of residence and the place of publishing works are not established. It is known that Natalia Karpova from the village of Astretsovo in the Moscow region, who told "about cats, mice, bears, flies ..." became the first laureate in 2019th.

Childhood and youth

The well-known Soviet poetess was born in the 27th May 1903 day in the village of Yakovlevo, until 1917, which was part of the Oryol province. She had a big and poor family, but very friendly.

The father worked by a luggage cashier on the railway, and after work, home theatrical performances arranged. The mother, who led a household, and grandfather, who held the post of priest and teacher of the parish school, had plenty of children with reading the works of Russian classics. And grandma shared by folk legends and fairy tales.

The abilities and interest in the literature originated in the girl at an early age: in 8 years, the child composed the first poem about childhood and hometown, in 10 - about snowfish, at 11 years old, having tried the strength in writing the play. On the last period of Alyonushka (her homework called this) was in the local primary school, then he entered the Mariinsky gymnasium and the pedagogical institution of the city of Kursk, where he moved along with his parents.

In the university, which had to get 7 km, the girl liked not only objects and classes, but also an active student life. Here she met and was impressed with the poetry of the Silver Age, starting to be printed under the pseudonym Elkich (the collections "Start", "Golden Grains", "Almans First").

Having learned that in Moscow, Vlhi opened, Blaginina secretly from his relatives went to the interview with Valery Bryusov and easily passed it. Simultaneously with the admission to the Institute, Elena got a job on the expedition of the newspaper Izvestia, later connecting his creative biography with the University of Radio Broadcasting, All-Union Radiocomitics, Murzilka and Zabyanka magazines.

Personal life

The Bruss Institute presented a talented bluntness and happiness in his personal life: it was at the university who was familiar with the future husband Gregory Oboldov, also engaged in the creation of poetic works and translations. Unfortunately, his creative fate was heavier than the spouse - only one essay of the author was published during his lifetime.

It was not easy for him during the years of Stalin's terror, because in December 1933, a man was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet propaganda and were sent to Karelia for 3 years. During the Great Patriotic War, he served as a front intelligence and received a heavy contusion. According to some reports, a daughter was born in the family, pushing the mother to writing touching children's poems.


By the 1940s of Blaginina, which was engaged in translations of Taras Shevchenko, Lesia Ukrainka, Maria Konopnitskaya, Lev Kvitko, Natalia scored, Julian Tuvim, became one of the leading children's writers in the USSR. The poetess, which was often confused with Agnia Barto, released collections of poems "Autumn", "That's what mom!", "Sit in silence", "Mishka-Shalunshka", "Rainbow", "Spark", "Sadko" and "Alyonushka" "

Subsequently, "do not interfere with me to work", "Gori-Gori clearly!", "Travishka-Muravica" and "Zhuravushka", often published with photographs of the author. Elena Alexandrovna created works and for adults - lyric cycles "Windows in the garden", "folding", military and post-war writings, the novel "I love the tormentor of my whole fierce", first published in the 1997th.


Elena Alexandrovna died on April 24, 1989, death came for natural reasons: a woman did not live just a month before his 86th anniversary, finding the last shelter next to her husband. In memory of the talented writer, who spent in defense of Boris Pasternak and Lydia Chukovsky, many theaters of Russian dolls put performances on her plays.


  • 1936 - "Autumn", "Sadko"
  • 1939 - "That's what mom!"
  • 1940 - "Alyonushka", "Sit in silence"
  • 1941 - Mishka-Shalunshka
  • After 1941 - "Lonely stoves"
  • 1948 - "Rainbow"
  • 1949 - "Ogonok"
  • 1959 - "Do not bother me to work"
  • 1966 - "Windows in the garden"
  • 1971 - "Gori-Gori clear!", "Travish Muravichka"
  • 1973 - "Zhuravushka", "Fold"
  • 1976 - "Wonderful Watch", "Funny Man", "Oath of the Fighter"
  • 1980 - "Why are you tires tires?"
  • 1987 - "Grandma Care"
  • 1997 - "I love the tormentor of my whole limb"

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