Laura Fraser - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Laura Fraser is a Scottish actress playing in British, American and international projects. The successful career of the artist contributes not only talent, but also the commitment to a sober lifestyle.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in Glasgow in the summer of 1976. Tract for cinema and television from Laura from Father Alistra, who combined the work by the manager of a construction company with writing scenarios. Mother who gave her husband four children, worked first by a nurse, and then a college teacher.

Still while studying at school, Fraser played in the Taroupe of the Scottish Youth Theater. In 1993, Laura entered the Royal Scottish Music and Drama Academy, but he studied at the university for only a year, since the teachers reproached the girl in the absence of in classes because of participation in the shooting.

Personal life

Personal life of the star is calm and measured. At the beginning of the zero anniversary of the 21st century, the actress met with Paul Betthan, with whom Fraser played together in the picture "Knight's Story".

In 2003, Laura married Irish Charles Jiairi. Husband Fraser - a colleague, who was distinguished, in particular, in the episode of the series "Sex in the Big City".

Laura and Karl met on the set of Dramati "Koni Aylend Bayby", in which the main roles played, and Jiairi, and acted as a screenwriter. Now the spouses raise two children - the daughter of Charles from the previous marriage and a joint Lila, born in 2006.

The actress has a beautiful miniature figure (Laura's growth - 157 cm, the weight is 50 kg), which fans can see in the photo in a swimsuit available on the Internet. The page in "Instagram" Fraser does not lead.


The first major roles Fraser became Joan McGanov in the Scottish dramatic tape "Little Sheets" and d', in the fantasy series "Poison". In the film "Investigator" Laura created the image of a Women - a military inspector, whose task is to fight lesbian relations in the British army. Character Fraser has one problem - she is a lesbian herself.

In the picture of the Netherlands director "Left Baggage", Laura played the main heroine - the Jewish girl Haija, and Maximilian Shell is her father who passed through the horrors of Nazi concentration camps. The main role was received by Fraser and in the youth comedy "Virtual Sexuality" - Justin Parker meets with a bio-biolated guy blinded from it, like electronics with cheesecake.

In the "man in an iron mask" Laura played with Leonardo Di Caprio, and in the "Knight's History" - with a hit ice. In the TV series "Rodina", telling about the biography of the American "Marine Cat" Nicholas Brody, recruited by Islamic terrorists, the actress was waiting for trouble. On Casting, she was approved for the role of the wife of the main character of Jessica. However, then the Laura without explanation reasons were replaced by Manene Bakkarin.

Paul Bettany, Laura Fraser, Mark Eddie and Hit Ledger (Frame from the movie "Knight's History")

Central in the filmography Fraser remains the role of the suppliers of methylamine Lydia Rhodart-Queyl in the criminal-dramatic series "In all serious". To pass the casting, the actress selected. To the question of producers, whether she can speak German, Laura replied affirmatively. After approval on the role of Fraser popped for dictionaries.

Although the actress character appeared only in the final 5th season of the series, the cruel heroine was remembered by the audience. In each episode in which Lydia appeared, she was going to kill or arrest. A new meeting Fraser with a character took place in the Saga's bed - the series "Better Call Salus".

Laura Fraser now

In 2019, the screens came to the screens a full-length film that tells about the further fate of one of the two central characters of criminal saga Jesse Pinkman. Fraser did not take part in the filming of the painting, since her heroine died as a result of poisoning Walter White. But the actress starred in another New Year 2019 - the British Music film "Raves" (Beats) on the emergence of the underground youth movement.


  • 1996 - "Little Sheets"
  • 1996 - "Prize"
  • 1997 - "Investigator"
  • 1998 - "Left baggage"
  • 1998 - "Man in the Iron Mask"
  • 1999 - "Virtual Sexuality"
  • 2001- "Knight's Story"
  • 2001 - "Vanilla Sky"
  • 2003 - Koni Aylend Bayei
  • 2004 - "Devil's Gate"
  • 2005 - "Kazanova"
  • 2011 - "Motherland"
  • 2012 - "In all serious"
  • 2015 - "Better Call Salu"
  • 2019 - "Raiv"

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