Henry Woodworth Longfello - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Poet



Henry Woodworth Longfello is an American poet and translator, in whose work various topics reflected. The writer screams inspiration from the legends, epic and creativity of other authors. He was among the artists who covered the issue of a slave-building in the works.

Childhood and youth

Henry was born on February 27, 1807 in the city of Portlands. The name Wedsworth got a boy from grandfather, marine lieutenant. The family was secured and enjoyed the respect of citizens. Father worked as a lawyer and consisted in Congress. Dreamer Henry loved reading and reflecting on travel. At 13, the young man made the first steps in poetry and began to be printed in a local newspaper.

Henry Warsworth Longfello, his wife Fanny and children

Longfello graduated from Boudensky College at Harvard in 1825. He received an offer to teach the department of new languages, but before the appointment went on a trip, tightened for 3 years. Having been in Spain, France, Italy and England, the poet returned home and started work.

After 6 years, Henry became Professor Harvard. The beginning of the pedagogical activity has previously an annual journey. In parallel with the teaching activities, Longfello continued to engage in creativity.

Personal life

Henry Longfello was married twice. The first spouse of the writer became a classmate named Fanny. The wedding took place in 1831. The wife gave him a child, and after 4 years of his life, died. In 1843, the poet entered into a second marriage. He brought Longfello five children. Failures in privacy persecuted poet - the second spouse died in a fire in 1861. This event left a deep imprint on the author's worldview.


Henry Longfello Writer Style confirms that he was adjacent to the chambers. Aesthetic inclinations, harmony and moderation prevailed among its preferences. Henry did focus on ballads and lyrical works. After the 1840s, epic features appeared in his verses.

In 1841, a collection of "ballads and other poems" was published, in which Longfello demonstrated a tendency to Epos. The verse "death of the evening star" "was written like the English sea ballad. Henry continued to develop the theme, guided by the data from the history of New England. In poetry, the author especially appreciated the dynamics of rhythms and updating poetic forms.

From the works published from 1841 to 1845, the poem "Rustic Kuznets" and Excelsior! Pophes had the greatest popularity. They covered the patriarchal American system, carried the praise of nature, the nature of rural life and the whole nature of the lyrical hero. In 1842, a collection of "Poems about slavery" was published. The works in it were descriptive and did not apply for a protest against the slave-owned system.

In 1849, the public saw a collection of poems "on the seashore and by the fireplace", which became a continuation of the marinestore. The poem "Building the ship" turned out to be central. Cycles "Migratory Birds" and "Stories of the Roadside Hotel", which came late, collected materials from different years. Longfello has already won the authority and was loved by the audience of aristocratic and simple origin.

Poetry was not the only genre that was interested in Longfello. He also tried himself in creating poems and drama. The late stage of the work of the writer was devoted to working with a material of a propelled nature. Part of the author's works are transfers and imitued by foreign writers.

A vivid example of the position of the author to the religious direction was the work of the Golden Legend of 1851. It and the drama "TRAGEDIY OF NEW England" of the 1868th, "Divine Tragedy" of 1871 were merged under the name "Christ: Mysteria". For examples of illumination of the problem of a slave-building in the work of Henry Longfello refers "Song of Gayavate" of 1855 of the publication. This is the interpretation of the Karelian epic, which is based on the legends of the indigenous Indians who lived in the territory of the current US.

In the 1880th published a collection "Extreme Fula". At the sunset, the creative biography of Longfello combined poetry and dramaturgy, increasingly putting religious topics at the head of the corner. A vivid example is the drama "Spanish Student".


In mature years, Henry Longfello hurt rheumatism, but did not stop working. He died on March 24, 1882. The cause of death became peritonitis. In memory of the literary figure, the descendants left several collections of poems and dramatic works, as well as photo of the author.


  • 1839 - "Night Voices"
  • 1841 - "Ballads and other poems"
  • 1842 - "Poems about slavery"
  • 1847 - "Evangelin"
  • 1849 - "On the seashore and by the fireplace",
  • 1855 - "Song of Guyavate"
  • 1858 - "Watching Miles Standish"
  • 1872 - "Christ: Mystery"
  • 1880 - "Extreme Fula"

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