The most expensive phone in the world: 2019, 2020, price, photo, characteristic, as it looks


The cell phone was invented in 1973. Submit life without it in 2019 difficult. It has become much easier to find the necessary information or man. People appreciate time, and the mobile phone helps them save it. Some not enough to have a smartphone, for them this thing is the status criterion. They buy dear goods and give the latter money to shine in the circle of friends.

It becomes difficult to determine the position of a person in society by things with which he possesses. Often the student buys a dear smartphone on credit, and the oligarch uses old push-button. Rich people have no coincidence of such. If they bought a costly thing every month, it would not be possible to grow capital. Nevertheless, the most expensive telephone in the world exists - this Falcon Supernova iPhone Pink Diamond And they own a wealthy person.

Feature Falcon Supernova iPhone Pink Diamond

The most expensive phone in the world

As of 2019-2020. Mobile phone Falcon Supernova iPhone Pink Diamond is the most expensive in the world. Because how much he stands, the average citizen will become "not in itself." After all, this amount he will not work for life. Phone price - 100 million dollars . In rubles, buying will cost 6.2 billion.

The American Luxury Brand Falcon created the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus model. Millions in the price tag are explained by the fact that the body of the phone is made of precious metals and decorated with a diamond. The model was created in 3 types:

  • platinum 950 samples Platinum iPhone;
  • Rose Gold 18 Carat Rose Gold iPhone;
  • Yellow gold 18 karat gold iphone.

The amount of sensory phone memory is 128 GB. You can use it anywhere in the world. Unlike classic iPhone 6, this model does not stir up with the release of the new version. Falcon's Free Smartphone Services includes a 24-hour concierge service, a 5-year warranty and delivery to the addressee of a famous American company.

Pink diamond, which decorated with the center of the back cover, is estimated in tens of millions of dollars. This expensive feature makes the phone unique. The presentation of the new smartphone took place in 2014 at Apple Headquarters in Cupertino (California). Jewelry brands lined up by offering luxury creation services for a new gadget.

The American company Falcon has created a model that is dreaming not only middle-class people, but also some millionaires. 5 years ago, this smartphone cost 48.5 million dollars. In the Russian currency, its cost reached 3 billion. The screen of the iPhone 6 smartphone is 4.7 inches, and the iPhone 6 Plus is 5.5 inches. At the presentation, Falcon introduced 21 model. The price started from 1.65 million dollars depending on the gems and karat of gold.

The color of the diamond is presented in the following shades: green, red, black, orange, transparent. "Budget" option is a gadget with a dark stone. In order not to wear classic headphones with an expensive smartphone for $ 40 (2500 rubles), the creators are offered to purchase a platinum and gold accessory for 300 thousand dollars. Photo of such a luxury will leave without sleep any fan of Apple products.

The owner of the most expensive phone brand

Nita Ambani

The only person who owns Falcon Supernova iPhone Pink Diamond is a billionaire spouse from India Nita Ambani. This woman is a wealthy business woman. She does not sit at home, but career is engaged. Nita is the chairman and founder of the Fund, which contributes to the sustainable growth of various spheres in India: education, social assistance, medicine, art, architecture.

Ambani was born in a family with a middle sufficiency. They did not live poorly, but they saved. Now Nita allows themselves a gadget for $ 100 million. To buy such a "toy" many millionaires cannot.

If you analyze the state of Mukesha Ambani - Magazine Nita, - for 8 years it can be seen a decrease in the level of income. In 2009, according to the Journal "Forbes", he earned $ 32 billion, and in 2017 - already 23.2. It did not affect his status, because he is still the richest man in India.

Competitors iPhone Pink Diamond in the world of wealth

What is the most expensive phone in the world, now it is known. But in the market and he has competitors. These brands are no worse, but at times cheaper. It should be noted that the "filling" does not have pronounced features, all the functions are standard. The price of these cell phones depends on their appearance.

"Falcon foot" with a gadget from Falcon is iphone 4s Elite Gold. Both models are produced by Apple, but the design was engaged in their luxury partners. Stewart Hughes created the appearance of this phone. In addition to the rear panel of gold in 24 carats, it is equipped with 500 diamonds, and this is more than 100 carats. 54 diamond are located around the perimeter of Apple's logo.

It is noteworthy that in 2019 the iPhone 4S is not updated, the software does not exit. The company stopped serving these models. On September 20, IPhone 11 went on sale. The problems with the update touched the owners of the "ordinary" gadgets. The phone for $ 9 million (559.3 million rubles) is an expensive exception.

When people think about what a dear mobile phone looks, most recall the luxury models of Vertu. But they stopped being the most expensive, because the price for such a device is 310 thousand dollars (19.2 million rubles). It is 3 times lower than the model from Goldvish.

The most expensive phone in the world

This Swiss company "survived" vertu. They released the Le Million model, which costs 1.3 million dollars (80.8 million rubles). Cellular is made of 18 carat white gold, decorated with diamonds in 120 carats. The same amount is the Diamond Crypto model. They passed the position with the advent of improved models, but the design admires the public. A mobile phone is made of platinum, it has 50 diamonds and rare diamonds.

VERTU and GOLDVISH specialize in push-button phones. People who are "sitting" in "Instagram" or another social network will have difficulty. This need will satisfy the iPhone Pink Diamond, but not everyone will solve the "round" amount. Buttones from gold and platinum buy businessmen who do not have time to flip tape in "Instagram".

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