Felicia Day - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Felicia Day is american actress film and television. In some projects, she embodied the images of computer games characters. The artist also tries his strength in the field of scenario skill and producing.

Childhood and youth

Felicia was born in the town of Huntsville, in Alabama, June 28, 1979. The girl grew up with Brother Ryan. Parents preferred homework for children. The guys loved to read, were fond of computer games. Felicia also preferred comic "Marvel" and games on consoles. As soon as the first computer appeared in the house, the children became fans of games on which the generation of 1980-1990s grew. Day often attended the Gikov Forums, where nicknames found friends under the cover.

Felicia has focused interest in music and acting. She was engaged in a music school and learned the violin game, and also took Opera singing lessons and went to ballet workouts.

Having received a certificate, Felicia entered the Juladsk School of Art and Music, but chose Texas University in Austin. She graduated from the university with honors and decided to try her luck in Hollywood.

Personal life

The press is constantly in finding spicy facts about the personal life of Felicia Day, as the actress is a "dark horse" in the world show business. The question of her orientation was burly discussed by the public, when, after a romantic connection with actor Nathan Phillion, the celebrity began to meet with Crysthen Allen.
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In January 2017, the actress informed the public that her daughter was born. At the same time, the identity of the child's father remained secret. The girl was called Kalopa Maiv. Fans still guess if Felica has a husband. In her account in "Instagram" photo daughter appears periodically, but pictures with the beloved actress does not publish.

The actress leads an active lifestyle and on the network demonstrates fans of pictures made on vacation, on the set or during interesting events. It often appears in front of follovers in unusual costumes. The profile also has pictures in a swimsuit. The owner of an attractive figure, Felicia has an increase of 165 cm, and the weight remains secret.


At first, the girl was filmed in commercials and low-budget paintings, disappearing in the evenings in the reality of World of Warcraft. The first noticeable work was the role in the TV series "Buffy - Vampire Slayer". Then followed participation in the full-length tape "Yes of the Success again."

Hobbating computer games did not pass without a trace and reflected in the creative biography of the actress. In 2007, Felicia wrote a script, embodying the plot of the World of Warcraft games in it. The result of the work was the web series, whose heroes were made by ordinary people. The pilot season was created at the expense of financial investments of the actress. She gathered a team that made the project popular, he was called "Guild."

By the 2nd season, sponsors appeared at the Felice. In March 2009, the artist received the Streamy Awards award for the best female role in his own series. Video Do You Wanna Date My Avatar, shot down in support of the project, scored 26 million views on the Internet. It was followed by 2 more rollers in the style of the Guild project.

As a teleactress, Felicia was involved in the TV series "Dr. House", "deceive me", "Puppet House" and others. A separate place in her filmography took a role in the "Music Blog of the Dr. terrible". This is the 2008 Web Musical issue of superhero and villains.

From 2006 to 2012, the actress was filmed in the series "Eureka" - a fantastic project about the city, in the settlement of geniuses. It was nominated for Emmy. The largest project, in the creation of which Felicia Day participated, was the series "Supernatural". Jared Padaleki, Misha Collins and Jensen Ekls became partners in the set.

The actress was rarely invited to shooting in full-length paintings, so in the 2010th, its creative piggy bank was replenished with images of the heroes of television projects and web serials, including "Konmen", the "Mysterious theater 3000", "Wizards" and others. In 2014, the film "Thirst for Love" with the participation of Day. The actress also engaged in visualing cartoons.

Felicia Day now

In 2019, Felicia is engaged in raising his daughter and continues acting. It is still closely related to the world of video games, visits the festivals cosplay as a media person and remains on the wave of relevant developments in the world of virtual reality gadgets. Now she is removed in the continuation of the "Wizards" series and is open to new offers.


  • 1997 - "Buffy - Vampire Slayer"
  • 2000 - "Strong Medicine"
  • 2004 - "Yes of the Success again!"
  • 2004 - 2012 - "Dr. House"
  • 2005 - "Supernatural"
  • 2006 - "Eureka"
  • 2007 - "Guild"
  • 2009 - 2011 - "Deception me"
  • 2011 - 2013 - "Spouses"
  • 2014 - "Thirst for Love"
  • 2016 - "Heavenly Academy"
  • 2018 - "Newbie"
  • 2019 - "Star Wars. Owl paths "

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