Married actresses who played in bed scenes: Russian, Hollywood


For the sake of art, cinema actors have to sacrifice not only appearance, but sometimes moral principles. Even being married, the famous Hollywood and Russian actresses are filmed in candid and bed scenes, which leads to the scandals and problems in the family, and also causes fan disputes.

Christine Asmus

In 2019, on the Internet, the public was warmly discussed by the spouse of the Russian humorist Garik Harlamov Christina Asmus, who starred in the frank scenes of the film "Text". The audience came to the conclusion that everything happened in the frames in fact - the actors were engaged in love and passionately kissed. The audience wondered how Kharlamov made what happened. In "Instagram", humorist asked how he belongs to such a role of spouse.

Garik first did not answer the provocations, but later explained that his spouse was not the first married actress, starred in the bed scene, and for the sake of art such situations are possible. Christina herself noted that the husband, of course, was not delighted with her new role.

Angelina Jolie

The Hollywood Beauty Angelina Jolie adored the fans more than once appeared in front of the audience without clothes, for example, famous frames from the film "Particularly dangerous." Angelina showed a naked body, becoming the object of lust of millions of men in the world. In some films, Jolie also starred in erotic scenes - for example, in the film "Slazen" she "was engaged in sex" with Antonio Bandera, while being married to actor Billy Bob Tornton.

Halle Berry

The second husband of Angelina Jolie's husband, actor Billy Bob Thornton, was also seen in a frank ceremony in the tape "Monsters Ball". The partner Thornton became the beauty of Holly Berry, before that did not appear in the cinema naked. Berry at that time was married to the musician Ericen Ben. For work in the "Monsters Ball", where Holly starred in several prolonged frank scenes, she received Oscar. Fans did not believe that these scenes were completely staged, and argued that the events in the frames took place truly.

Kelly Preston

Hollywood actress, young spouse John Travolta, Kelly Preston conquered millions of men's hearts in the Salopai Cinema, where he starred in an erotic scene. And although the tape did not become a cash register and cult, even many years later Kelly Preston consider the elelfon of beauty and sexuality of that time.

Monica Bellucci

Italian actress and model gained popularity and recognition of viewers in many ways thanks to the participation in the filmcenes in nude. In Kinolent "Malen" Monica Bellucci played the role of a beautiful girl who wanted and represented in the fantasies of a man. At that time, Bellucci was married to actor Vincenom Kassel.

The roles for which actors are ashamed

The roles for which actors are ashamed


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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Lawrence admitted that the scene with a kiss in the film "Passengers" was the first frank scene in its practice. To remove the tension, she had to drink a little.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Vladimir Epifantsev, despite all the originality, shakes his debut in the movies. It was the Tresh film "Green Slonik", which went to the memes and quotes.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Matt Damon considers his role in the film "Ultimatum Born" failure. However, the vinit of this is more than the screenwriter, and not.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Pavel Maikov, whose name thundered to the whole country after entering the light "Brigades," believes that this series can not be shown to people and very much regretted that he took part in the shooting.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Jennifer Aniston does not like to talk about his debut in the cinema. The actress first appeared in the horror movie "Lepricon". At the time of filming, Jennifer was proud that he received a major role, but over time she began to be ashamed of this work.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Dmitry Nagiyev agreed to the role of Mikhail Lesnikov in the Kamenskaya series only because there was no other offers from directors. The actor never liked his character, so he left the project.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Robert Pattinson tolerate can not "twilight" and his hero. The actor does not understand why the film is so popular.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed

Paul enjoying more often plays good guys. To enter the image of the scum for the painting "bad blood" he did not like at all.

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The roles for which actors are ashamed


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