Gulchatai (character) - Photo, "White Sun of the Desert", Actress, Tatyana Fedotova


Character History

Gulchatai - the heroine of the Soviet feature film "White Sun of the Desert", the creator of which directed by Vladimir Motyl. The image of this eastern girl is represented in the picture epizodically. However, the character remembered and fell in love with the audience, gained popularity. The youngest wife from Harem Basmach Abdullah caused a whole palette of emotions from the public - from a smile when naive beauty communicates with Sukhov, to tears, when the heroine becomes a victim of her husband-gangster.

History of character creation

In the late 60s, the director Vladimir Motyl received an offer to replace the cinema about the events of the end of the Civil War. The plot is based on historical facts that, in particular, concerned and the provisions of women in the East. One of the scripts of the picture, Valentin Ezhov, conducted meetings with former warriors, which at the beginning of the 20s of the 20th centuries participated in battles with Basmachi gangs in Asia. From the stories of the soldier, it became known that, fearing the Red Army, the bandits left their own harem among the desert.

In these cases, employees of the Red Army took with them women and took to the nearest kishes, thereby saving from death. These stories entered the plot of the film, the discontinuity of the audience flavor the East - mysterious and at the same time cruel. In the picture, Basmach Abdullah throws his wives, fleeing the persecution by the Rakhimov commander. Not wanting to miss the bandit, Rakhimov transmits Harem Krasnoarmeyca Fedor Sukhov, who with young assistant Petrukhu follows with women to the nearest city.

Gulchatay's role was offered actress Irina Pechersnoy, but she refused. As a result, the image of the Eastern Beauty on the screen was embodied by two performers. The first, Tatyana Denisova was a student of the circus column. When most of the scenes were completed, the girl signed a profitable contract for the presentation of its own circus number and left the filming of the film. Then the 17-year-old Tatyana Fedotov, student in the Leningrad Ballet School, was invited to the site of the circuschka.

Interestingly, on filming Fedotov already played one of the women Abdullah - Zarina. When the group graduated from the scene, shot in the pavilion, and left Makhachkala, the director of the school released a student without passing exams. Because of the hot weather on the midwives, the performer "Harem" was fainted. To save the situation, the director connected to the work of the soldier of the cavalry regiment, each of which was dressed in a terraja.

Biography and image Gulchatai

Since in the film, Gulchatai is an episodic, then a little is known about the biography of the heroine. The female character is a 16-year-old girl, a younger wife in Harem Basmach Abdullah. According to the plot, the gangster, running away from the Red Army, throws a harem. Now Fedor Sukhov cares about the wives of the Material Village, in the course of action, trying to convince the eastern women in the fact that their lives have changed from this point - for the better.

Being brought up in the traditions of the East, where the wife submits to her husband, where the spouse is Mr., Abdullah's wife cannot be ruined in new realities for a long time. In this regard, the comical scene looks when Gulchatai reports to other harem women that now their new husband is sukhov, which means that you can not hide your faces in front of him. But Zuhra, Leila and other beauties do not trust the words of the warrior - on the screen, their inappropriate faces are depicted on the screen. The image of Katerina Matveyevna, his beloved wife Fyodor Ivanovich, looks contrastingly on this background.

Russian woman personifies family hearth, comfort at home. She is not oppressed in rights, on the contrary, adored his spouse, which is very gentle and respecting it. Young Gulchatai, in essence, slave, slave, forced due to cultural traditions to obey the will of Abdullah. Ironic notes appear in the plot when young Petruch seeks to take possession of the heart of beauty. The guy constantly talks about the seriousness of the intentions, hoping that Gulchatai, wrapped in a terraja, will open him a licho.

In the final of the film, ironic notes are replaced by tragic. After Sukhov cites women in the town of Pedzhen, a harem owner appears there and a gang. Fyodor Ivanovich manages to plant the villain for the bars. But the net and naive Gulchatai, who was accustomed to the husband to obey themselves, succumb to Basmarcha's persuasion and frees from captivity. Using the gullibility of beauty, Abdullah kills a young wife. And after, putting the clothes of the heroine, he chalts Petroju bayonet, who again comes to beauty to confess the feelings.

Thus, the small, episodic role of Gulchatai turns out to be saturated, bright, multifaceted. Actresses managed to transfer the children's directness of the character, her playfulness, "liveliness". During the actions of the heroine, practically does not pronounce words, but remains in the memory of the audience, as a mysterious, mounted ideal of an oriental woman. And the request of Petrukhi - "Gulchatay, Open Lichiko" - remained in the Gold Foundation Quotation of Soviet Cinema and entered the people.


Mr. appointed me with his beloved wife! One wife - loves, alone - sews clothes, one - cooks, one - kids feed, and all alone?


  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"

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