Stars who have never used alcohol: Russian, Hollywood


Drinks are stronger - part of the image or creative role of celebrities. But on the contrary: "Dry Law" is the vital principle of a media personality. About stars that never consume alcohol - in the editorial material 24cm.

Kim Kardashian

Does not hide a negative attitude towards alcohol Kim Kardashian. The reason why the star refuses to catch a sip of alcohol, lies in the reluctance to lose control of the body. In addition, Kim is not interested in drinking in the company. When she falls into an event where there is a drink, Kardashian looks at his sisters, and if required, soothes the womens of women.

Sergey Bezrukov

Russian actor Sergey Bezrukov completely abandoned bad habits, including from alcohol, believing that life without alcohol is much better. In one interview, Bezrukov stressed that the problem is not alcohol, but in the amount of drunk. The actor believes that alcohol destroys human dignity and destroys the family, turning a person in the end of hell.

Tyra Banks

Supermodel and actress Taira Banks met alcohol at 12 years old. The taste was not impressed by Tyr. More interest in bottles with alcoholic drinks did not arise. In the diet of the star only 3% cider.

Vasilisa Starshova

The ex-soloist of the Leningrad Group Vasilis Starshov adheres to sobriety. The vocalist does not consider it necessary to explain in the company, why refuses alcoholic beverages. She believes that discomfort without alcohol is invented self-deception. Favorite melodramas helps to cope with sadness, and relax - sport and singing. It is enough to love yourself to say solid "no!".

Jennifer Hudson

Hollywood actress and singer Jennifer Hudson does not eat hot drinks because of the feeling of fear. It so happened that, surrounded by celebrities, many suffered from alcoholism. For Jennifer it turned out to be easier not to try alcohol to taste than to experience fate and wait for the consequences of alcohol dependence, which lead to diseases.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Portuguese footballer under the 7 number Cristiano Ronaldo grew up in the wine edge. However, about the taste of alcohol only guesses. The father of the athlete suffered from severe dependence on the alcohol, why it was too early to go away. After seeing in childhood, when the destructive habits led to irreversible consequences, Ronaldo adheres to a healthy lifestyle.

Inna Gomez.

In the house of Russian TV presenter and Inna Gomez actresses, it is not customary to put alcoholic beverages on the table. The actress family refused to eat alcohol in any dosages, including on holidays, adheres to vegetarianism and monitors health. Inna supports the position of the public figure Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov, who popularizes sobriety. Having passed the restrictions in the project "The Last Hero", Gomez believes that there is worthy of propaganda ability to rejoice, dream and communicate without psychoactive substances.

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