John Ris-Davis - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



The British Actor John Ris-Davis filmography is calculated by hundreds of roles. Among them, there are both passing films and global blockbusters like "the lord of the rings." In a solid age, the artist continues to be filmed in the cinema and TV shows, and his working schedule is scheduled for a couple of years ahead, which speaks of non-regulating professional demand.

Childhood and youth

John was born in 1944 in Salisbury, and the child's child's years passed in different places. Father Rice Davis, officer of the colonial police, served for several years in Tanzania, and then with his family ass in Ammanford, Wales, where he began to work as a mechanical engineer. Mother Phyllis Jones by profession nurse.

John from childhood was fond of classic literature and dreamed of becoming an actor or writer. After graduating from School Truro, the guy replenished the number of students of the University of East England, where he founded a dramatic society. After approved in the intention to become an actor, Rice Davis moved to London, where he began to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. In the youth, John tries himself in the theater and on television.

Personal life

The actor married in December 1966, by choosing Susanna Wilkinson in his companions of life. Two sons were born in the family, Tom and Ben, but personal life was not trifling: spouses, without submitting to a divorce, since 1985 began to live separately. It did not prevent them from staying friends and maintain a warm relationship. When in 2010, a woman was dying, depleted by a heavy period of Alzheimer's disease, the spouse remained nearby, helping his children in the hard time.

Since 2004, the New Zealand TV journalist Liza Manning, who gave birth to Maja's daughter artist, was since 2004. In 2011, the couple got married. Now the family lives on two houses - then on the island of Maine, then in the area of ​​Oakato, New Zealand, where they have 40 acres of hilly land overlooking Lake Vangape. At their disposal a farm, a stable and an area for equestrian walking.

The artist is present at home less often than: he constantly travels to other continents, where shooting. Most often have to be in Los Angeles. Rice-Davis plans include the restoration of polluted Lake Vangap, which is included in its territorial property. The actor enthusiastically tells how freshwater oysters will breed there and apply the latest technology to restore the ecosystem of the reservoir in the coming years.


The acting biography of John began with minor episodes in British TV shows. One way or another, first appeared on the screen in 1964, he had not reached him. And although before the first noticeable role I had to suffer, it was worth it: in 1981, Ris-Davis starred at Stephen Spielberg in the film "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark." The picture became a blockbuster and gathered five Oscars, and the character of charismatic Arab Salla made the artist famous.

John continued to be filmed, never put a career pause, in parallel, finding a time to work in the theater and visiting cartoons. Another portion of glory and audience love presented participation in the popular television series of the 1990s "sliding", where Rice Davis played the ingenious professor Maximilian Arturo.

At the age of 50, the actor pulled a happy ticket, fulfilling the role of Gimli in the trilogy of Peter Jackson "The Lord of the Rings". Ironically, the actor with an increase in 185 cm had to play a gnome, although he was above all partners in the "Ring Brotherhood", including Viggo Mortensen. Computer technologies impeccably fit a man into the necessary parameters, but the many hours of the process of imposing makeup and the vestments in the costume is still remembered with shudder.

Since then, John has a weekly looks at a minimum of one scenario, choosing decent options for work. And he loves to work, which proves a filmography, consisting of hundreds of paintings.

John Rice Davis now

The density of the artist's shooting graph will envy a young and magnifying health actor. In 2019, a man starred in 5 paintings, and at the stage of post, and predicted at that time there were 15 works. Among them, "unreal Santa", "Mystery Power of Mosley" and "Black Angel". Although "instagram" all ages are submissive, Rice-Davis is not interested in social networks, so his fresh photo fans are found on third-party resources.


  • 1981 - "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark"
  • 1983 - Sugar
  • 1985 - "Caver Solomon"
  • 1988 - "Indiana Jones and the last crusade"
  • 1992 - "Lost World"
  • 1995-1997 - "Sliding"
  • 2001 - "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of Ring"
  • 2002 - "The Lord of the Rings: Two Fortresses"
  • 2003 - "The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King"
  • 2004 - "Ghost Opera"
  • 2014 - "Error of Time"

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