Fedor Sukhov (character) - photo, "White Sun of the Desert", Actor, Anatoly Kuznetsov


Character History

Fedor Sukhov - the hero of the film "White Sun of the Desert", filmed by the director Vladimir Motyl in 1969. The figure of honest, simple, bold and good redarmeys fell in love with many audience. The character copes with complex and dangerous situations, it is hard to experience the death of combat comrades, gently and reverity refers to the wife of Katerina Matveyevna, to which he sent from the war. The image has gained more popularity, after entering the picture in a number of books, TV projects, jokes, and even in a computer game.

History of character creation

In the mid-60s, films sent to the events of the Civil War in Russia were in demand in the film industry. The success of the "elusive avengers" showed the need for the emergence of a new film in the same spirit. It was decided to appeal to the events of the 20s, when the military confrontation of the Red Army and White was over, but in Central Asia, the battles of Badmaches were still continued. The main character, Krasnoamec Fedor Ivanovich Sukhov, returns home, to his beloved wife.

But the events add up in such a way that the military must be lined in Asia for a while. The scripts sought to create an image of the main character, "alive", close and understandable viewers. In order for the character to be more realistic, one of the creators of the film, Valentin Ezhnov, specially met with the veterans of the Civil War, which fought with bass troops in Central Asia. There are assumptions that Sukhov had two prototypes - Kuban Cossack Vasily Sukhova and Alexander Sorokina.

Many artists wanted to get to the role of the main character, as a result, there were only Anatoly Kuznetsov and Georgy Yumatov. The director of the Moth preference to Yumatov as a more experienced and famous actor. George Alexandrovich was approved for a role, however, before the start of shooting, the artist succumbed to the power of Green Zmia. And then the film crew returned to Kuznetsov's candidacy. The actor was perfectly in the image of the Red Army, embodied on the screen all the directorial ideas invested in his character.

The film has not been released for a long time - censors found many cruel, bloody scenes in the picture. In order not to lose the footage, Vladimir Motyl reworked the Final Film. Nevertheless, the picture continued to be listed in the "put on the shelf". Only due to the fact that the tape liked Leonid Brezhnev, the "White Sun of the Desert" saw simple audience. Monuments appeared in honor of the hero of the film later in different cities of Russia.

Biography Fedor Sukhova

About childhood in the biography of the hero knows little. Being 18 years old from the family, Fyodor left the father's house and from now on managed to pass Russia "from Amur to Turkestan." He came to serve in the Red Army, he was adopted in the regiment named after Augustus Babel. For the diligent ministry, Fatherland received a nominal weapon as a reward. During the combat operations, Sukhov showed himself as a beautiful sniper shooter, banker in pyrotechnics and explosives. Serve in the East, Krasnoamec learned the local culture well, learned to understand the mentality of people living here.

Sukhov brought down restraint, the ability to rationally relate to the established events. A man can be cold-blooded in a hazard situation and a real romantic, when mentally sends the letter to his beloved wife, presenting a description of their military days. The character does not risen the life of life - he is where and to whom to come back. But with the return to Samara, Fedor's personal life has to volunteen - Rakhimov's commissioner asks the hero to stay for a while in Asia to guard the Garem of the Local Basmachi leader, Abdullah.

Before the meeting with Rakhimov, the Red Armenian saids young Said, who left dying in the flour gangster jawd. The liberated is now ready, if you occur for the "Savior". Now Sukhov is heading with women in the town of Pedjent. Here, by the will of evil rock, Abdullah arrives with his warriors - on the sea, the gangster plans to move abroad. Understanding that I was trapped, Fyodor asks for help from the former chief of royal customs, Paul Artemyevich Vereshchagin, but he gave way to persuasion of his wife, gives a refusal.

Understanding that the forces are unequal - after all, only young Petruha remains with sukhov from the soldier - and that it is impossible to give up the enemy, the hero mines Barcas. Women in the meantime, hidden Fyodor in the oil tank. Knowing about their location, Abdullah wants to set fire to the reservoir. But Said comes to the rescue to Sukhov, who courageously fights with bass. Petruha dies in an unequal battle. Having learned about this, Vereshchagin, who was at oddly believed to the young man, now joins the defense of Fyodor Ivanovich.

The head fits barkas from the bandits, and although the Red Armyman is trying to warn Paul Artemyevich that the ship is mined, do not hear warnings and dies when an explosion. Taking advantage of the confusion of bass, Sukhov and Said shoot enemies. Abdullah dies last. Now Fedor can transfer Harem Rakhimov and return home to Wife Catherine Sukhova.

Fedor Sukhov in books

The image of Krasnoarmeysian Sukhova has found popularity not only in the cinema, but also in the artistic literature. Thus, in the book "White Sun of the Desert", created by the Writer Valentine Yevov, describes the events of the picture. Fedor makes the story of the story "New Argonauts" Writer Alexey Sotsky. Mention of the film's character is included in the speech of the heroes of the story "Wall", whose authors were made by Alexander and Sergey Abramov.


Hello, invaluable Katerina Matveyevna. Everyone is rushing to you, a beloved Katerina Matveyevna, like a crane in the sky. Some in the sands and never sighs, except about you, the only and unforgettable Katerina Matveyevna. I am writing to you, kind Katerina Matveyevna, since a free moment was issued, and I was hung on a hot sun, as if our cat Vasa on Zavaling.


  • "White sun of desert"
  • "New Argonauts"
  • "Wall"


  • 1969 - "White Sun of Desert"
  • 1983 - "Adventures of Petrova and Vashechkin, ordinary and incredible"

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