Royal heirs who have been refused by the title: 2020, reasons


The queen of the United Kingdom of Elizabeth II and the monarch family are shocked by unexpected news about the addition of the powers of the Duke and the Duchess of Susseki. This is not the first case in history, when the royal heirs refuse the throne and titles. About who from the monarchs refused the authority, and the causes of such solutions - in the material 24cm.

Megan Plant and Prince Harry

In January 2020, the Duke Harry and Duchess Megan Marke officially confirmed the information that they refuse titles, privileges and material support of the Queen family and are going to live on two continents - in the United Kingdom and North America. Rumors about the movement of the royal couple appeared last year, when the pair had a firstborn-son Archie Mountbetten-Windsor.

At the beginning of the new year, Sussek's spouses posted a post in the social network confirming the fact of the addition of powers. In the duke and duchess report, thanks for the permanent support to her Majesty Queen Elizavet II, report the desire to start a new chapter of his life, to ensure financial independence and create a new charitable organization. Also Megan and Harry promised to continue to fulfill the queen of duties assigned to them and raise the Son with respect for royal traditions.

Eduard VIII.

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The first in the family of monarchs of Great Britain was renounced the throne in the name of Love Uncle Queen Elizabeth II Edward VIII. His beloved Wallis Simpson was married when they had a love relationship with Edward. According to the laws of the Anglican Church, marriages with divorced, if their former spouses were alive. The Government of Great Britain did not give consent to the Union of Eduard and Wallis and put the prince before the choice - a crown or a beloved woman. Edward chose Marriage with Wallis and renounced the throne.

Ayako Moria.

Ayako Moria.

The princess of Japan Ayako Moria refused to the title of Princess for the sake of love - her beloved man, businessman Kayya Moria, does not belong to the imperial family. In October 2018, the princess adopted his proposal of his hand and hearts and married, having lost the monarch of status in accordance with the laws of the imperial family. In November 2019, the Son was born from the spouses.

Prince Louis Luxembourg

Prince Louis Luxembourg and Tessya Anthony

Prince Louis Luxembourg has multiplied and refused the throne also in the name of love. At the same time, the prince retained the title. His beloved, Sergeant of the army of Luxembourg Tessya Antoni, was born in an ordinary family, and according to the laws and protocols of marriage of titled rulers with simple people prohibited. The couple was married for 11 years, in 2017, the spouses announced a divorce. Two sons of Louis were granted by the titles of Princes Nassau.

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