What is known to Mikhail Mishatin and his plans for the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation


A large surprise on January 15, 2020 became for Russians and foreign "partners" as a resignation in the full government of the Russian government, which was reported during a meeting with Vladimir Putin Dmitry Medvedev and a rapid proposal for the post of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustina, head of the Federal Tax Service . Surprise, in particular, caused the fact that the new candidate "bypassed" such politicians, other than folk masses and experts in the Premier Chair, like Sergei Sobyanin or Alexey Kudrin.

The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about what Mikhail Mishustine is known, what stages and merits in the labor biography made it possible to promote the post of Prime Minister of Russia and what the nearest plans of the former chapter of the tax on a new position.

Long road in the realities of Russian politics

The path in politics in the new prime minister is practically inextricably linked with the tax office. Mikhail Mishoustin's career began in 98 as an assistant chapter of the State Tax Service, responsible for accounting and controlling the receipt of tax payments. This was facilitated by the specialty of the engineer of the CAD, obtained in the Moscow Machine-planning Institute, as well as the experience of the work of the testing laboratory under the International Computer Club, and subsequently as the Chairman of the Board of this non-commercial organization.

Starting the work in the Tax Summer of the 1998th, the next spring Mishoustin became the Deputy Minister for Taxes and Relations. This chair Mikhail Vladimirovich occupied until 2004, when he headed Rosnedvizhimost - agency as part of the Ministry of Economic Development. Then during the year he was led by RosEEZ, managing special economic zones.

Since 2008, due to the civil service, he switched to investment business as president of the UFG Group of Companies.

Again in battle

For a long time to leave the ranks of officials Mishoustina failed - already in April 2010 he was appointed to the position of head of the FTS, which he held up until January 2020. The main tax of the country, Mikhail Vladimirovich, was remembered by a number of innovations that have turned the federal tax service into an efficient state structure. For 10 years of management of the Federal Tax Service Mishoustin:

  • introduced modern technologies to work, which simplified the interaction of citizens with the tax authorities;
  • launched an automated control system "Tax-3";
  • stimulated the creation of ASC-2, tracking taxable transactions across the country;
  • conducted a cash reform - now cash registers send reports online about the operations carried out daily, simplifying the work of accounting at enterprises,
  • introduced a new tax regime for self-employed, which contributed to legalization over 300 thousand entrepreneurs working on themselves;
  • Reduced the number of field checks by 34%, while increasing their effectiveness.

Changes raised tax collection, increasing the budget revenue both on the federal and regional level. To the end did not work out from Mikhail Vladimirovich to solve only one problem: around the UFNS repeatedly arose scandals associated with corruption.

To new tops

On January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin offered Mikhail Mishoustin's candidacy for the post of Prime Minister of Russia. The candidate who nominated by the President said that, in case of approval for the position, it was going to build further work in close cooperation with the parliament, and held meetings with representatives of United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, "Fair Russia" and the LDPR, under which further plans voiced .

According to Mishoustina, the main priorities in their activities as the chairman of the government he sees as follows:

  • Conduct digitalization of the economy in the example of the tax service implemented earlier;
  • strengthen control over the implementation of national projects;
  • Remove the existing restrictions for domestic business;
  • to reform the state institutions;
  • Conduct the reorganization of the Cabinet;
  • solve problems with the level of welfare of Russians;
  • Understand the negative health situation.

Also, Mishoustin said that the pension reform does not intend to touch, as to introduce a progressive tax scale. But the likelihood of an increase in deductions on a budgetary rule - a mechanism in which additional income in the rise in the cost of oil over $ 40 per barrel is enrolled in reserve funds.

We paid the attention of tinsel and support of Russian companies, in particular "Yandex", whose shares have increased by 5% after such a statement.

Mikhail Mishatin approved for the position of Prime Minister of the State Duma on January 16 after the vote, in which 383 deputies voted "for", and 41 people abstained.

10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina


10 facts about Michael Mishoustina - background

10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

Mikhail Mishatin was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" and the Order of Honor.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

He graduated from the Moscow Machine Tool University.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

Posted by three monographs on taxes, as well as more than 40 scientific articles.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

For about three years, he served as director of the laboratory of the International Computer Club, in the 1990s was considered "one of the most famous specialists of the Russian computer market."

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

Mishoustin, together with his hockey team, was awarded the Gagarin Cup. This award is awarded to the winners of the playoffs KHL.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

Under his editors, a textbook "Taxes and Tax Administration" was released.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

He is the State Council of the Russian Federation I class.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

He is married to the owner of Mishoustina, in marriage from which three children were born.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

In the declaration of his family, a 140-meter apartment and a cottage of more than 800 square meters are regularly indicated. m.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina

Actively engaged in sports. Plays in the night hockey league and does not hide what is a hockey fan.

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10 facts about Mikhail Mishoustina


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