Models that have suffered from Hand Hands: Russian, foreign


In the name of beauty, not only great deeds are performed, but also terrible crimes. This confirmation serve the tragic stories of models. About beauties that were injured from the Hyports - in the editorial material 24cm.

Kadamba Simmons

Kadamba Simmons

The fashion model and the British actress Kadamba Simmons was hanged on the soil of jealousy in the shower room for a former friend of Malka in 1998. For the murder of jealousy sentenced to life imprisonment.

Jessica Notaro.

The finalist of the Competition "Miss Italy 2007" Jessica Notary suffered from Hands of Uhager in 2017. The girl became a victim of persecution after breaking relationships with the boyfriend Edson Tavares. He watched the beauty and splashed the bottle of acid in the face. Jessica suffered eyes, hips, legs. One eye dissection failed. In 2018, notary came to the Red Track of the Venetian Festival along with the girls who survived the same tragedy.

Laina Keza

Laina Keza

"Miss Africa 2010" Laina Kesa in 2013 became the victim of his daughter's father. Tired of jealousy and scandals of a man, Laina breakdown relations. He did not accept and stabbed his beloved in the bathroom.

Eleonora Kondratyuk

Russian "Miss Sochi - 98" Eleanor Kondratyuk in 1999 became the victim of harassment Ruben Grigoryan. The girl refused to the Uhager, who heard in the criminal environment by credibility. The man did not accept and punished the young beauty, the gangsters. One attacker grabbed Eleonora by the hair, and the other poured on the face of half-liter 92% sulfuric acid.

Kondratyuk survived more than 200 operations. Now Eleanor is married, became a professional psychologist. After 19 years after sad events, the book "I chose life" about overcoming the consequences of the tragedy. On the page in "Instagram", Kondratyuk encourages to write a life scenario themselves.

Agneshka Kotlyar

Agneshka Kotlyar

The beauty turned out to be fatal for the Polish model of Agniška Kotlyar. "Miss International" in 1991 became a victim of an obsessed fan of the hedgehog.

The man pounced on the husband of Agneshka. The woman hurried to the rescue, for which he received 4 strikes with a knife in the chest. Save the model failed. Two-year-old daughter remained without a mother.

Katie Piper.

In 2008, a foreign model and TV presenter Katie Piper after a short novel with a psychopath Danny Lynch also experienced an "acid" tragedy.

Stretching Katie agreed to a farewell dinner. After a cute conversation, the man offered to rise to the hotel room, where she raped and beat his beauty. Katie was ready to forget about cruelty, but on the street there was an accomplice of the former lover and splashed the acid cup in the face.

Piper was lucky - she was preserved and restored the skin. In 2009, Katie Piper created a foundation that assists women after burns and injuries that are increasing appearance.

Julia Loshagin

Julia Prokopieva-Logishshina

In 2013, from the hands of a spouse, a famous photographer Yekaterinburg, Dmitry Loshagin, died by Fashion model Julia Prokopyev. According to investigators, the husband committed a murder to take revenge on his wife for treason and HIV infection.

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