Sherrylin Kenon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Sometimes the events occurring in reality are much better and amazing than fictional plots of fantastic works. A bright example is the personal life of the American writer Sherrylin Kenyon. In January 2019, a woman filed a lawsuit against his husband and two assistants, stating that they poisoned it for four years. Be that as it may, in July, it became known that the author decided to stop the proceedings, referring to the financial influence of this case on the family as a whole.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the 1965th, in the 11th December day, the future author of the books in the genre of Fantasy Sherrylin Kenon appeared in the capital of Ohio. At that time, the Father, Sergeant, Army, was located on one of the largest military bases in the USA - Fort Benning.

From an early age, the girl helped the mother worked in a 24-hour store, arrange the goods on the shelves. When Sherry turned 8 years old, the parents divorced, and she had to stay in Columbus to look at the older sister Trish, who suffered from cerebral cerebrals, and the younger brother decided to give up her grandfather and grandfather in Atlanta.

Fortunately, soon, when things managed to correct, the family reunited in the city, the Mitchell Margaret is suspended in the "Gone by the Wind". It is also known that only Cher in the pair of native brothers and sisters and six cousins.

The ability to the writing manifested themselves from Kenon at school - at 7 years old, she illustrated his own debut novel, in the 3rd grade of her essay about a single mother recognized as the best, and in a year he won her first literary award, was printed in newspapers and magazines. Subsequently, in an interview, the woman has repeatedly recognized that the writings gave her the opportunity to forget about a serious childhood.

As for further education, the graduate first thought to study visual art in college, which would allow her own comics. The latter was a cherished dream of a girl, she even sent examples of their works in Marvel, DC and Dark Horse. As a result, Sherrylin took Savannah College of Art and Design, but staying there she could not afford, eventually enrolling in Georgia College and graduating from University of Georgia with a doctoral degree in history.

Personal life

For his elect Lawrence R. Kenon II, the writer was married in the youth, in the early 90s. Three sons were born at the couple, although the woman was worthwhile to make them on the light.

Despite the prolonged marriage, in 2019, as already mentioned, Sherrylin made accusations towards the spouse. He, in turn, stated that she was a brilliant science fiction, which, unfortunately, could not distinguish real life from the fictional.


At the 20th age, Kenon realized that her literary experience should be sent to another line, rather than journalistic, and she sat down for fantastic novels. But the beginning of the creative path was not easy for her - a shocked by the death of one of the brothers who supported the sister at the start of the career and gave a typewriter, she abandoned his writing for some time. "Resuscitation" was already on moving to Richmond and with the help of her husband and girlfriend.

After releasing Born of the Night - the first book from the "League" cycle and five other works, the plots of which came to mind in college, the author again faced difficulties in both a professional plan and in his personal. But a woman with a volitional character managed to go through all the importance and revealed the world for the whole world the series "Dark Hunters".

Sherrylin Kenon now

In 2018, the bibliography of the American was replenished Born of Blood, Stygian and Death Doesn't Bargain, in 2019 - AT Death's Door, I-O-U, Hex Life and Born Of Trouble. On the 2020th is scheduled for the Born of Darkness.

The details of the creative biography, coming plans and personal photographs, a fiction is divided on its official website, as well as on social networks. And with the author's translations of books Sherrin, Russian-speaking fans can familiarize themselves in fan groups in VKontakte.


  • 1996 - "League. Born of the Night »
  • 1999 - "Sea Wolves. My dream pirate "(under the pseudonym Kinley McGregor)
  • 2001 - "League. Born Of Fire »
  • 2002 - "Dark hunters. Lover from fantasy "
  • 2005 - "Brotherhood of a sword. Return of the Warrior "(under the pseudonym Kinley McGregor)
  • 2006 - "The Lords of Avalon. Betting "(under the pseudonym Kinley McGregor)
  • 2012 - "League. Born of Silence »
  • 2014 - "League. Born of Fury »
  • 2017 - Deadman's Cross. Deadmen Walking
  • 2018 - Deadman's Cross. Death Doesn't Bargain.
  • 2018 - "Dark hunters. Stygian »
  • 2018 - "League. Born of Blood "
  • 2019 - Deadman's Cross. AT DEATH'S Door
  • 2019 - I-O-U
  • 2019 - "League. Born of Trouble »

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