Beckka Fitzpatrick - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



The American writer Beckka Fitzpatrick became famous in the literary world due to his books in the genre of fantasy and fiction, which became bestsellers. The author's plots are always rich in events and stories, this is a secret of success. Among her readers, people of different age, which, in the soul, works about the magic and love novels about vampires.

Childhood and youth

Beckka was born in the winter of 1979 in the city of North Platt, Nebraska, the first years of her biography were held there. As a child, she did not think about the career of the writer, such thoughts began to come to her later, or rather in 2001. She herself was fond of reading fiction and at the same time dreamed that her editions would disperse from the shelves of bookstores, and the fans look forward to the release of the next novel.

But then this did not happen. Fitzpatrick entered the University of Brig Yang, studied discipline in the field of health. Then it settled to work, was a teacher in a secondary school, while at the same time taking office of the secretary and an accountant.

Personal life

Personal life writer has developed successfully. Now she lives with her husband and children in Colorado. In addition to the writing, a lot of time pays sports - likes to run in the morning. No less pleasure to her delivers a game of tennis. Also, a woman says that resting when he goes to shopping centers. Moreover, the author does not call himself a shopaholic, she just admires the assortment, especially attracting shoe stores.
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In the evenings, Beckka often watches criminal dramas and believes that her evening has been able to have ice cream at hand with an exotic taste. This is a delicacy - her favorite, every time she tries to buy a dessert that has not previously tried.


As already voiced earlier, the phytzpatrick since childhood read a lot, the parents were caught more than once a daughter with a flashlight turned on under the blanket. Already as an adult, Beckka received a certificate for writing courses as a gift from the spouse. The man saw her aspiration for creativity and thus decided to help his wife reveal himself. The woman did not miss any classes, and when the courses ended, was ready and her first book, which posted the beginning of a further writing career.

Roman Hush, Hush, which translated into Russian sounds like "What angels are silent," made Beckki popular. At first it was sold only in America, and after some time began to translate into other languages. The work quickly won the interest and love of the public and even became a bestseller. At least, so it was chosen the editorial office of New York Times. The biggest recognition of the talent of a novice author was the screening of a book, which the LD Entertainment studio bought the right. Patrick Sean Smith, the creator of the famous TV series "University" took up the production of the film.

Subsequently, this novel marked the beginning of a whole series, which during a couple of years in order replenished the bibliography of the writer. She released the book "Kredsto", then "oblivion" and the last - "final". And soon after that, the woman presented the work of the Lange Castle Dungeon, which entered the Kiss Me Deadly collection and became its last series "What angels are silent." The central place in the plot is occupied by the longtime vassal patch Choundchi Lange.

The book of Becky "Black Ice" was not less popular, written in the genre of psychological thriller. Roman has an intriguing and exciting plot from the first pages. It tells about the 17-year-old girl named Britt Pfaiffer, who trains in the Wyoming Mountains before climbing Titon Renja. During the snowstorm, she takes the help of two hospitable owners of the house, but soon realizes that he has become a hostage, and the most interesting thing begins here. A love line is developing in detective history, which especially liked the Fitzpatrick readers.

Beckka Fitzpatrick now

Beckka presents new novels not as often as its regular readers would like. Despite this, a woman does not lose touch with fans, regularly posts in "Instagram" and "Twitter" new posts and photos. And on September 7, 2019, Fitzpatrick offered subscribers together to celebrate the National Day of the Book, reading 5 heads of its first novel "What angels are silent" and discussing it in the comments under publication.


Cycle "Silence"

  • "What angels are silent"
  • "Crescendo"
  • "Oblivion"
  • "The final"
  • "Dungeon of Lange Castle"
  • "Black ice"

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