The highest paid professions in Russia: for men and women, technical, medicine, military, engineering


Still at school, children choose who they want to work in the future. The university in this choice depends on which they will arrive. Cosmonauts and firefighters remain in children's dreams long, because to achieve such a goal you need to work. People want to work less and more receive, so the professions choose the steering. But some bosses cannot be in the country, without working personnel can not do.

The editorial office of 24cmi amounted to the selection of the highest paid professions in Russia, which will remain in demand not only in 2019, but also in the near future.

Auditor, accountant

An accountant that makes the reports will always be in demand. This is not the only function of this employee, he controls cash discipline, considers all expenses and income of the organization. The auditor controls the financial statements that accountant compounds.

The highest paid professions in Russia

The work of the financier requires care and amplification. 90% of working time man spends on a computer. It deals with a lot of numbers and reports. An accountant is required not only at a large enterprise, but also in a small organization. Entrepreneurs who do not have employees in the state, hire a "account" for reporting. It became easier to work in 2019, because it can be remotely done. Accountant takes 2-3 firms and worries, without leaving home.

Earnings depends on the region. On average, the accountant and the auditor receive 60 thousand rubles . In the southern regions, the amount of income is 2 times less.

Drilling engineer

You can learn from drilling engineer in the mountain and oil universities. Their dozens of their country are popular with Tyumen and Ural educational institutions. The future engineer will need knowledge of mathematics, chemistry and physics in an in-depth version. Wealths that are hidden in the depths of the Earth are mined with the participation of engineer on drilling. It organizes and controls the work. The engineer is responsible for possible risks, he assesses them before starting work. Responsible for the safety of workers, harming the ecology and the likelihood of collapse. Much depends on the solution of this person.

Since drilling engineer works on oil and gas fields, its average salary in Russia is high, it is 90 thousand rubles . In the northern regions reaches 180 thousand . Technical specialties in the north are valued more than management.

Obstetrician gynecologist

Children will always be born. The demography of Russia is growing annually. Watches the health of a pregnant woman doctor - an obstetrician gynecologist. It is impossible to robotize this profession. Not only women in the "interesting" position appeal to him, but those who have pathology or diseases that prevent the child's conception. To become an obstetrician-gynecologist, it is dedicated to about 9 years. From school bench in priority there is chemistry and biology. These same items surrender to the exam. They are mandatory upon admission to the Higher Educational Institution.

The highest paid professions in Russia

The average salary of the obstetrician gynecologist in the country - 60 thousand rubles . If working in a commercial clinic, it reaches 200 thousand . In medicine, without such a doctor can not do. Reproductologists who help plan pregnancy are popular. Not only for women, but for men, the question of continuing the kind is sharp. Couple can not have children, despite the desire. Reproductist helps to find out the reason for infertility and fight him.

Internet Marketing Specialist

The profession of the marketer fell into the top. This person creates a brand, and it needs to be in business. So that it was profitable, buyers should learn it. An Internet marketer analyzes the market, spins the brand, develops advertising strategies and creates a proposal. You can get an education in any university of the country. Learn for marketer 4 years (undergraduate). To get more knowledge and another diploma, the list includes a magistracy.

The head of the company is looking for a professional, which for the average salary in 65 thousand rubles turns the brand from the unknown to the recognizable. To become an online marketer, the ability to think rationally. The diploma is not as important as human erudition. You can master the profession at home, reading books. Without practice, there will be no sense from the theory. When admission to work, experience and behavior in the stressful situation is taken into account.

IT specialist

The development of computer technology makes an increasing number of people to master IT specialty. When it comes to which professions are the highest paid in Russia, in the first place is the position of programming specialist. These people have no upper income. They receive a minimum 60 thousand per month . Head of Web projects has every month from 120 thousand . The demand for workers in the field of IT is high, the profession is attractive not only for guys, but also for girls.

The highest paid professions in Russia

In the school program, attention is paid to computer science. The final exam includes this subject. Upon admission to the university, the direction "Informatics and Computing Technology" is selected. It is not necessary to study 11 classes, after 9 years it is possible to go to college, and after graduation to do at once to 2 or 3 times the university.

Military profession

The rating of highly paid professions will not be no mention of the military. Receive high salary not only special purpose workers (FSB, naval fleet, airborne towers, etc.), but also military-technical workers. Their activities are in demand in aviation, controlling the functioning of equipment, telecommunications. The average salary is 60 thousand rubles . The title and service of the years "give" additional bonuses.

In addition to cash income, people have the benefits with which they enjoy (retirement before, medical services, help in acquiring housing). To become a military, the Cadet Corps or Suvorov School ends. Further, a person receives higher education, for this comes to the Military Academy. At the end, he will be assigned a lieutenant title.

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