Georges Pompidou - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, President, Prime Minister of France, Cause



Georges Pompidou became the "modernizer" of the life of France for the second half of the 20th century. Being the Prime Minister, and then the President of the Fifth Republic, politician emphasized the importance of art in the cultural development of the country. When the board of this statesman, France survived the rise in economics and culture.

Childhood and youth

Pompidou was born on July 5, 1911 in Paris. Parents are school teachers with peasant roots. In his youth, having received a bachelor's degree, the young man became a student of Ecole Normal in Paris. In 1934, the young man won the competitive program on philology. Later, Pompidu took up teaching activities. In parallel with training in the highest normal school, the future politician passed courses of a free school of political sciences.

Personal life

The personal life of the head of France was happy. In the fall of 1935, Georges married Claude Kaur. In marriage, the couple did not have children, and in 1942, the spouses decided to adopt the child from the orphanage. The adoptive son of Allen had a good relationship with his parents.Embed from getty images

Pompidou and his wife retained tender feelings to each other throughout their lives. Georges was seriously worried when, during the conflict with de Galer, the supporters of the general spread offensive rumors that felt the name of Mrs. Pompidou.

Career and politics

After the liberation of France in the biography of the Frenchman, change is born. In 1945, George enters the temporary government service. Here the young man meets the chalf de Galer, which develops into friendship. Since 1948, Pompiduda heads the personal office of the general. Friendship with the oppositionist de Galer contributed to the rapid development of the career of the financier.

When in 1958 de Gaulle managed to return to power, a friend of General took the position of head of the Cabinet of Ministers. In 1962, Pompidou received the post of Prime Minister of France. In this status, the French politician was located for 6 years, until 1968. The prescription of George to this position contributed to the president of France - without protecting a person who is not a deputy of the National Assembly, to take such a post could not. Over time, Pompidou found supporters, managed to arrange deputies to himself.

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At the beginning of the 60s, representatives of the left forces were activated. The Presidential Elections of 1965 showed that the French people trust the socialists more, the interests of which represented Francois Mitteran. In 1967, the position of the ruling party becomes unstable - it gets only a small advantage of votes in the elections in the National Assembly.

Against the background of the excitement, pompidual popularity is growing as a policy. In 1968, at the height of a student strike, Pompidou, who worked for several years at the university, was able to find mutual understanding with strikers. Thanks to the actions of the Prime Minister, the strike was discontinued. However, such activities began to gradually destroy trusting relationships policies with President France. Soon George, despite the strengthened position in the eyes of the people, was forced to resign.

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In the spring of 1969, de Gaulle folded the authority. From this point on, the election race began, in which Pompidu was on the leading positions. Having lighted in the first round Alena Popa, the former Prime Minister scored more votes in the second stage of elections and became the new President of France. During the board, the republic survived the growth of economics and culture. High (height 181 cm), static, refined, politician emphasized the importance of art for the prosperity of the country.

In addition, the head of the government pays great attention to foreign policy events. He sought to establish a good relationship with the USSR, came to the country visits, met personally with Leonid Brezhnev, as well as with the USSR Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. Online posted photos from these meetings.


In 1973, the president became known that Pompidou was sickly a rare form of leukemia. From this time, a man appears less in the public, it will fulfill due to medication techniques. According to the official version, the head of the Elisees Palace, the head of government fell ill with influenza. Next year, the state of the president worsened. He spent the last days in a private apartment. Pompidou did not work on April 2, 1974. The cause of death is a blood infection that appeared on the background of leukemia.

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