Francois Mitteraran - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, President of France, Politician, Cause



French politician Francois Mitteraran, who was one of the representatives of the Socialist Camp, was the head of state for 14 years. During the years of his rule, ideas of European integration were developed and the influx of immigrants who left the African continent took place.

Childhood and youth

France President Francois Maurice Adrien Marie Mitterian began on October 26, 1916 in one of the departments of New Aquitania, in the area between the cities of Angleme and Cognac.

His father Joseph Mitteran worked in his youth engineer and railwayman, and then opened a business for the production of vinegar and, together with the wife of Ivon Lauren, did a product from raw materials. Raising four sisters and three brothers in the company, Francois graduated from elementary school, and then entered the Catholic institution, located near the Zrankak commune.

Being a zealous supporter of Catholic religion, in the Church College of St. Paul Mitteraran joined the young conservatives and contacted the movement of Mark Sanier. In addition, he contacted the National Volunteers with the ultra-right organization and worked in the social party newspaper, and also participated in student demonstrations that arose on religious grounds.

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In 1934, armed with recommendental letters from parents, a scholarship and graduate of the Catholic school went to Paris to continue their studies and entered the Sorbonne University. There, with the support of Francois Moriak, who was the famous French writer, a young man decided on the profession and chose the Faculty of Law for this.

During World War II, Mitteran was called up to the National Army and, joining the participants of the French resistance, was the head of the Ministry of Frontovikov. But because of the discrepancy in views with Charlele de Galer, the state, public and politician refused to join the movement for independence and was fired from high posts.

Personal life

Francois Mitterian's personal life was connected with the only woman in 1944 he became his companion and legitimate wife. Born under the name Daniel Guse, the first lady participated in the French resistance movement, and then created an organization to support poor people.Embed from getty images

Combining social activities with the upbringing of children of Zhilbera and Jean-Christophe, she, judging by the photographs, accompanied the president everywhere. A pair of low growth (mitteraran - 170 cm) was not lost at high receptions, but set the tone attended in a modest and intelligent manner.

Career and politics

In peacetime, Mitteraran became a member of the Centrist Union, held in the Alliance with the Left Republicans, and since 1948 he was the head of the UADS leading committee. But before that, he repeatedly tolerated defeat in the tense struggle for parliamentary chairs and only in 1947 became a deputy from the Burgundy region and the Nyevr Department.

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During the proclamation of the fourth republic, Francois held posts in the government and was the minister on the issues of overseas territories, internal affairs, justice, victims of war and front-line. And after the coup in May 1958, he criticized the politics of General de Gaulle and at the first presidential election in the biography was one of his strongest rivals.

In 1981, becoming a recognized leader of the Socialist Party, Mitteraran won Jiscar d'Esthen and received the highest state posts. To form a government from representatives of the Communists, he took up the affairs of foreign and domestic politics and tried to implement a decentralization program that included reforms and liberalization of the media.

However, in the mid-1980s, when the right won the parliamentary elections, the post of Prime Minister took Jacques Chirac. It was he who in the spring of 1988 made a major competitor in the struggle for the post of President of France, but he could not beat Mitterian left for a second term.

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During this period, lasting until May 1995, the ruler has established contacts with the leadership of the Soviet Union and actively corresponded with Boris Yeltsin on the issue of expanding NATO to the East. In addition, he led negotiations with the German Chancellor Helmut Kolch and acted in support of the unification of Germany, stressing the need for a single currency to fill the European market.


During the 14-year-old reign, Mitteraran suffered from cancer, which was the cause of death in 1996. In memory of the very elderly, the president in France was declared mourning, and the powers of the head of state moved to Jacques Shirac.


  • Legion of Honor
  • National Order "For Merit"
  • Military Cross
  • Medal of resistance
  • Order of the White Rose of Finland
  • Honior Bani Order
  • Royal Victorian Order
  • Order of three stars
  • The Order of White Lion.
  • Order of Icelandic Falcon

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