Coward, Balbes and Day (Characters) - Photo, Films, Actors, George Vicin, Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Morgunov


Character History

Coward, balbes and experienced - the comic trinity of the heroes of the Soviet cinema, famous thanks to the films of Leonid Gaidai. Initially, they thought as rigid caricature images, but the actors filled the roles with such warmth and charm, that over time they turned into comic characters and pets of the public, and their quotes from films became covered phrases.

The history of the creation of characters

Heroes Guyida - this is the embodiment of the anti-Soviet image of thinking and behavior, a collective portrait of those with whom in those years there was an active struggle - lazy people, drinking and rogues. The main comic features of the characters were their love for alcohol, greed and ingenuity in making money: a coward, the ballobs and there are no longer want to work as everything that in Soviet times was also considered a reason for "joke". They are manufactured by entrepreneurial activity - trade in the market, dance teaching, as well as the execution of criminal instructions, from a warehouse robbery to theft of the bride.

Unforgettable images on the screen embodied George Vicin, Yuri Nikulin and Yevgeny Morgunov. Today it is difficult to submit someone else in these roles yet, but in fact initially the director had no doubt about the candidacy of Vicin, which was recognized as the most suitable coward. The Balbes could play Sergey Filippov, but he was busy in other projects, after which Vicin suggested Nikulina. Ivan Lifeznov and Mikhail Zharov, Ivan Zharov, were tastened for the role of Ivan, but both refused due to weak health - according to the scenario of "Mother skins" they would have to run through the forest from the dog. On the advice of the head of the "Mosfilm" approved the little-known Evgenia Morgunov.

The actors quickly born in the role and began to invent scenes with the participation of characters. For example, they themselves created episodes in the "Caucasian Captive", where the heroes brave the highway or where the doctor makes the injection of a huge syringe (in fact, this device is not intended for injections, but for rinsing ears).

National Love, who fell on the Trinity, sometimes became for the actors with a source of trouble. The consolidation of recognizable roles did not go to the benefit of the career, and the incentive viewers were often confused by performers with their characters. Jury Nikulina was especially delivered: due to the image of the company and the foolish ball, a passionate amateur, it was literally tortured by proposals to divide the feast or gatherings, although in fact the actor carefully referred to his health and tried not to abuse alcohol.

Biography and images of a coward, rabbes and experienced

On the screen, the characters perfectly complement each other. Experienced is the post of informal leader of the gang. By his manner of behavior, the military past is felt. The character monitors the physical form and acts as the organizer of all dubious undertakings - from poaching to moonshit. His creative talents are available - there is a tweeter teacher, and in "Moonshits" plays on Trombone.

Balbes is the main clown of the company, having fun among other jokes and ulubles. In relation to alcohol, he exhibits gourmet inclinations. The Balbes and the other, the lyrical side, revealing in the episode with the execution of the song "Wait, steam locomotive ...". Probably the prototype of the character was the author of the musical composition Nikolai Ivanovsky, which is indicated by some details of his biography.

A coward is the most educated from the Trinity, which can be seen from the stage in the market, where he tells in detail to buyers about the plot and the authors of the painted paintings. It probably pushed the weakness of character to a criminal laughter. For friends, the coward is rapidly the burden, nevertheless they do not throw comrades, although they are not too careful: the head of the coward breaks through the door in the "Caucasian Captive", and when trying to stop the Nina's car on the highway put him in the middle.

Coward, balbes and experienced in films

The first appearance of inseparable Trinity belongs to 1961 - it was the film "Dog Barbos and an Unusual Cross". The audience met a short filler with delight and fell asleep director requests to relieve any of the adventures of friends something else. Again, in the film, Gaidai Brutal, the ballobs appeared after 3 years, and until that time they managed to "light up" Eldar Ryazanov in the comedy "Give a plaintive book." In total, their filmography includes 8 paintings, not counting performances and concert film.

It was planned that the heroes line will complete the "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurika," but later Gaidai also conceived the "Caucasian Captive". The actors met the idea of ​​continuing without delight. Yuri Nikulin refused to be filmed, considering the role of hooligans with herency and exhausted, and they needed a lot of persuasion and assurances that after this picture everything will end. Haydai Heroes did not last more three more, but later they were still united on the screen again - in the tape of Evgeny Karelov "Seven old men and one girl."

The images of the heroes were transferred to the animation - a series of animated films "Bremen Musicians", where it was easily recognizable characters became members of the robbery gang.

In the frame, the coward, the balbes and the experienced looked a friendly team, but in fact they did not always go to each other. The most difficult thing was with Evgeny Morgunov, the owner not only a peculiar sense of humor, but also a difficult, non-advisable nature. The actor conflict with Guyday eventually led to the breakdown of the trio - during the filming of the Caucasian Captive, the director in categorically demanded that Morgunov retired from the site.

The nationwide love of the audience confirms that Russia has 7 monuments to cinematographic hooligans. In Irkutsk, the sculptural composition depicts the famous scene from the Caucasian Captive, where they stand on the highway, holding hands, and next to Leonid Gaidai, giving instructions in the chair. On the Ussuri Boulevard in Khabarovsk there is a monument to the multiplication heroes of the "Bremen Musicians", in the village of Krasnozherskaya, the characteristics are decorated with theatrical tube, and in Cherepovets, visitors of the local park meets the balbes with a beer mug in his hands.


- Live, as they say, good. - And it's good to live even better! In short, Sklifosovsky! - What are you? - Well, I train. "We care better ... on cats." It's like him, voluntarism! "In my house is not express


  • 1961 - "Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross"
  • 1962 - "Moonshoes"
  • 1964 - "Give a plaintive book"
  • 1965 - "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurik"
  • 1965 - "In the first hour"
  • 1966 - "Fairy Tales of the Russian Forest"
  • 1966 - "Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurik"
  • 1968 - "Seven old men and one girl"
  • 1977 - "These incredible musicians, or new Schurik dreams"
  • 1980 - "Comedy for the past days"

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