Anniversary Dmitry Kharatyana: 2020, biography, personal life, photos, children, movies


On January 21, 2020, the actor and the artist of the songs in many popular films, the star "Gardemaryarines", "Green van", "Raffle" and other film projects, Dmitry Kharatyan noted the anniversary. The People's Artist of the Russian Federation turned 60 years old.

In honor of the holiday, the editorial office 24cmi amounted to a selection of interesting facts from his biography and personal life.


In childhood and youth, Dmitry Kharatyan was a modest guy, despite the activity that he showed in a pioneer camp. Even shooting in the "Drawing" film did not help him and the fact that Vladimir Mashkov considered it incredibly talented for one of the main roles. But the understated self-assessment of Harayana became the "prevention" of star disease.

Meat for Gardemarin

In public places, Dmitry Kharatyana will always recognize and even inferior to him. But the artist himself does not like to use such a privilege, and therefore purchases most often sends his spouse. However, there were situations when he still had to take advantage of the star, which was brought to Him "Martemarins":

"In Soviet times, well, to buy meat ... When there was a deficit and all sorts of Servelates were not enough, then they saw dating and black move."


Dmitry Kharatyan is not at all more 15 years old, and this achievement cost him great efforts. However, as he himself confessed in one of the interviews, there was a time when alcohol was a real dependence for him, medicine from mental wounds. This period was the most terrible in his life. In part, the army helped to cope with this.

"You can all with dad"

Artist has two children. Now the daughter of Harayana is already 35, and the Son is more than 20 years old, and the spouse of the artist Marina Maiko was engaged in the upbringing of the latter. According to the actor, it was the mother - the authority for Ivan, but Dmitry Vadimovich was involved in the spiritual development of the boy, and did it with all the rigor. But in other matters I gave the child a descent:

"If anyone authority for Vanya is just marina. He respects it, and loves, and is afraid. And the dad is kind, even when screaming, you can do everything with dad, "Kharatyan admits.

Price of youth

Even at 60, Kharatyan looks an order of magnitude younger. Of course, it did not cost without talking that he used the services of a plastic surgeon. The actor himself denies, and as the cause of "eternal youth" calls the absence of bad habits, an active lifestyle, sport and exclusively proper nutrition.

"Tasty to eat for me for many years is a closed topic. To keep yourself in shape, you need to lose something. But just the most delicious - smoked, salinity, sweet, sharp - very harmful, "the artist is sure.


Dmitry Kharatyan tries to keep himself in shape. He is no longer the first ten years old doing tennis, and in the winter, at least once a month, it is chosen on the ice to go skating, play with his son in hockey.

"Base for old age"

All his life, Kharatyan lived in Krasnogorsk, but in 2010 built a solid cottage on the shore of the Istra reservoir in the Moscow region. The house has a spacious kitchen, a living room, a fitness room, and a working office. Country dwelling Artist calls "an old age base."

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