Film "Underwater" (2020): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Trailer


In January 2020, the United States was pleased with Russian cointers by a science fiction thriller "underwater." The editorial office of 24cmi will tell about the actors, the roles they played, and creating a picture.


The shooting of the film "Underwater", if you believe the microblog Instagram Wensana Kassel, began on April 4, 2017 in New Orleans.

The production of the film "Underwater" took on the Chernin Entertainment film company, and rental - 20th Century Fox. Producers - Peter Chernin, Tonia Davis, Jenny Topping. In the list of works by Peter Chernina, the dramatic film "Emma" (2020) with a high wait rating.

Brian Dafefield, Adam Kosad, and the director of the painting became William Yubank, who also worked on the films "Signal" (2014), "Love" (2011).

The premiere of the picture took place on January 8, 2020. The release date of the film "Underwater" in Russia - January 23, 2020.

Actors and roles

According to the trailer, scientists go to the scientific expedition on the underwater ship. From sushi they are separated by 9 thousand kilometers, and the depth of diving is 13 km.

He led by a group of an elderly scientist who played a French actor, the former spouse Monica Bellucci, Vensean Kassel, known for the role of night fox in the films "Twelve friends Ocean" (2004) and "Thirteen friends of Oushen" (2007).

Once Nora (Kristen Stewart) notes how water leaked to the ship, and notifies the team about the risk - earthquake. The group has to wear equipment and explore the bottom on their own. Their life is threatened with danger, since the underwater laboratory may not withstand water pressure. During the operation, they are faced with an unknown monster.

Kristen Stewart received the first major role in the comedy "Forbidden Mission" (2004). Later, in 2007, it was approved for the role of Bella Swan in the romantic thriller "Twilight" based on the novel Noman Stephanie Meyer. So, she played a major role in all parts. In 2019, the film "Angels Charlie" with her participation.

Cointers will see in the picture of the actor Tidge Miller, American actor and a stand-comic comic. On his chosen filmography 2 comedy fantastic militants "Deadpool" (2016) and "Deadpool 2" (2018), as well as the role of Lucas in the film "Transformers: Epoch of extermination" (2014).

Jessica Henvik (Emily) is known for the roles of 5-7 seasons of the series "Game of Thrones" and the film "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (2015). In 2020, several more films are expected with its participation, including: "Godzilla vs. Kong", "Monster problems".

A member of the crew was also an American actor and musician John Gallahher Jr., whom the filmusers know on the film "Experiment" Office "(2017) and the television series" News "(2012-2014)," Bagro Mint "(2018).

In the film, Mamuda Ati, Hanner Wright (Li) was also filmed.

Interesting Facts

Kristen Stewart shared an opinion on the resulting picture: "It is really dark, terrible meditation about isolation. People inside barely know each other, and when problems begin, there are strange relationships between members of the group, and very quickly, because they are fighting for survival. "

Kristen Stewart specifically shaved his head before filming, to enter the role of "exhausted and hardened" crew member.

The film "Underwater" - Trailer:

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