Benya Creek (character) - photo, "Odessa stories", actor, Isaac Babll, characteristic of the hero


Character History

Benya Creek (full name Benzene Mendelevich Creek) - a literary character of works of Isaac Babel. The image of the "noble bandit" made the name of the hero nominal. The writer managed to describe the criminal so that readers imbued with respect. The nature of the Personality of Beni is controversial as his actions. Nevertheless, he manages to maintain a balance between public censures and love.

History of character creation

For the first time, readers became acquainted with the colorful Odessa bandit in the newspaper "Sailor" in 1921. The author of Isaac Babel published a story "King" in the publication, in which he transferred the hero's capacious characteristic through a description of a single event.

Benzion celebrates the wedding of the Sister of Sisters Doubles, when an unfamiliar young man comes and warns a bandit about a region. The king knows about it, but the news that it happens on the day of the celebration, insults it. Three friends are removed from the holiday.

Suddenly, the guests feel the smell of Gary and see how the edges of the sky are painted. A cracking is heard, and the flame tongue fits into the air. The same young man comes to the king again and reports that the police station is burning. Benya goes to the scene and gladly watches, how bailiffs are felt and arrested arrested. According to the "randomness" in the neighboring crane, water flows, so the firefighters are bred by their hands. The leader of Odessa bandits is honored to bailize and removes.

In the first story, the hero showed himself as a person who has enough hands, and he is not afraid of a crime law. Researchers of Creativity Isaac Babel believes that the tedotype of the bandit was a Jim Japanese, the famous raid and the king of the criminal world in Odessa scale.

The author published 4 more stories in which he described fragments from the biography of Beni Creek. As a result, they entered the general collection called "Odessa stories". Some of them were subsequently fused.

Biography and Beni Creek

The next story, which tells about the origin of the nickname "King" and the beginning of the biography of a character as a great bandit, - "How it was done in Odessa."

Being an unknown person, he somehow approached Froyim Gracch and asked for his team. To check the newcomer, he is offered to make a raid on Tartakovsky. As it turned out, he already had 9 robbery, so it did not make sense to go to him. The beacon claps the door and leaves.

The future leader of the gangsters writes a letter to Tartakovsky so that he will voluntarily transfer money to him, but he refuses, as we have nothing to take. The next day, the king bursts towards him together with comrades, threatening with weapons. In the office, the Muginstein clerk is also located, the son of a friend - aunt pests.

The silent robbery disrupts the burst drunk Savka Bukis. Waving a revolver, he accidentally kills the clerk. Gloomy Creek promises the battlefire that he will fall next to the victim.

Benya organizes truly royal funeral Muginstein - with white horses, singers and wreaths from roses. Before the grave, the gangster pronounces his most famous quote:

There are people able to drink vodka, and there are people - do not drink vodka, but still drinking it.

And after called everyone to go to the place of burial of Budsis Saving.

Everyone was shocked and the procession was literally fused. And the cemetery beggar exclaimed: "King!"

Babel in the "Odessa Story" cycle created an image in which thin humor, irony, lyrism and romanticism connected. In essence, the hero of the collection is a fantastic personality, because such a noble and generous attitude would hardly have allowed him to become leader of bandits in real life.

Observing the thieves laws, Benoy refers to human life. In the biography of the hero there is no place for sudden raids. The king was never going to robbery, pre-notifying the victim about intentions. He waited for prudence and voluntary money transfer, in order to exclude possible losses. Such a ritual allowed the hero to believe that he was now entitled to go on a robbery, if a person did not respond to a warning.

Yuri Shumsky as Beni Creek

On the pages of the book, Benya Creek is revealed as a young and driving person, not greedy and ready to come to the revenue. It rises picturesque feasts and weddings, observing the traditions of his people. This is a cheerful and witty gangster, which has enough mercy to ordinary people.

And this writer opposes the literary hero of his prototype. Both are criminals, bandits and order violators. And if a Japanese attitude to Mishke, the attitude of Odessans was justified by negative, Beanoy Creek became almost a sample of humanity and justice.

Benya Creek in films

The first filmography of the history of the king's life was black and white. In 1926, Vladimir Vilner shows the film "Career Beni Creek", in which Soviet actor Yuri Vhissky starred. The cinema shows the Odessa gangster, which keeps the whole city in fear and respect. And with the beginning of the October Revolution, fights on the side of the Reds.

In 1990, according to the works of Babel, the director Vladimir Alenikov released the picture "Bindubee and King." Alenikova has a description of the king's growing. When the father of Beni Mendel Creek is going to sell the stable "For Love", his son is forced to take everything in his hands and become the head of the family. The king played Maxim Leonids.

A year earlier on the screens came out the film "The Art of Living in Odessa", filmed based on the work of Babel. Director Georgy Jungwald Hilkevich changed the fate of the main character. Unlike the original history, the protagonist (Sergey Mikhailovich Koltakov) does not die in the civil war, and escapes abroad.


I have to tell you a couple of words. Time My Words and begin to go. People's song, listen to me with ears. Attempts, where there is a sovereign emperor, there is no king there.


  • 1928 - "Sunset"
  • 1931 - "Odessa Stories"


  • 1926 - "Career Beni Creek"
  • 1989 - "Art of living in Odessa"
  • 1990 - "Bindube and King"
  • 1990 - "Sunset"

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