James Jones - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books



James Jones is a bright American writer-novelist who has revealed in his works cruel and terrible realities of World War II. Exciting plots, sharp dramatic scenes, a subtle psychologist made the writings of prose lovers among a large number of readers. Jones's novels were repeatedly shielded.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born on November 6, 1921 in Illinois. Parents gave Son's name James Ramon Jones. About children's and school years in the biography of the author knows little. From 18 years, the young man served in the 25th Infantry Division. The service in the army coincided with the events of the Second World War. The guy witnessed the attack on the Pearl Harbor military base, and also participated in the battle for Guadalkanal.

Personal life

James was happily married to Mosolino Gloria. Two children were born in marriage. Romanist's daughter Kylie decided to go in the footsteps of the Father and took up literary activities. The popularity of the writer brought the autobiographical novel "The Soldier's Daughter never crying", published in 1990. Like the writings of the Father, this work was fused. The film directed by James Ivory.


Impressions and experience gained during military battles prompted James Share experiences in creativity. The debut novel "From now and forever", created in 1951, became a sensation. Writer without sticks showed the life of young soldiers in the army, the attitude of the military to war, the ability to get along to the team and much more. In the center of the plot - the story of Robert Lee Pruita. The young man mustard and is a little quinic, because it has already managed to see many losses in his life.

At the same time, the soldier is fair and seeks to make the authorities were also honest, sincere and fair. It is clear that these idealistic ideas are the benefit of the youthful maximalism of Robert. Along with the image of military events, the writer concerns the topics of love. The basis for the scene of the novel was the real events in the personal life of Jones, the period of the author's service in Hawaii. After 2 years, the screening of the writings, the director of the film was Fred Zinnemann.

The novel "Thin Red Line" became biographical, which brought the prosair of world popularity. Personal experiences of James went to the work - the battle for Guadalkanal. Here the attention of readers is drawn to dramatic events, in the center of which - Private Whitt. The novel is built so that the audience saw the evolution of a character from a young deserter to hero, the price of his own life of the saving squad. The writing received high assessments of literary critics and was shielded twice.

American classic novels wear talking names. In particular, the essay "go to where the widows do" configures readers to a certain minor perception of the events described. The author writes in the books of hostilities in Vietnam ("Vietnamese Diary"), the terrible consequences of combat operations ("touch of danger") and other horrors of war. Jones did not like publicity, so there was little photo with him.

The last non-confined novel in the bibliography of the American author was "only calls". Here, again, Prosais turns to personal impressions received during the treatment at the MEMFIS hospital. In this essay, as in other works of the master, notes of anti-war orientation are sound. In the plot, the features of the American "military" are being submitted. The soldiers who returned from the war are unnecessary to their native country.


At the age of 50, the writer felt interruptions in the heart of the heart. Singing the end, the author appealed to a colleague according to Peru Willy Morris with a request to complete the final of the novel "only calls". For this purpose, the American classic wrote explanatory notes for Morris. James was not May 9, 1977. The cause of death is heart failure. The writer was buried on the cemetery in Bridgehampton. Manuscripts Master continue to be kept at the University of Austin.


  • 1951 - "From now on and forever"
  • 1957 - "And they ran"
  • 1959 - "Pistol"
  • 1962 - "Thin Red Line"
  • 1967 - "Go where they make widows"
  • 1971 - "Merry Month May"
  • 1973 - "Touch of danger"
  • 1974 - "Vietnamese Diary"
  • 1975 - "Second World War"
  • 1978 - "Only Call"

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