Coronavirus in China: symptoms, treatment, latest news in March


Updated April 19.

In China, the outbreak of a new type of pneumonia caused by a mysterious virus. The disease takes life an increasing number of people, due to the coronavirus in China, the number of cases increases every day. Among the victims there are medical workers who have in contact with the first victims.

The editorial office of 24cmi will tell that there is a coronavirus in people, as it is transmitted, the first symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment, as well as the latest news about the "plague" in China.

What is known now about Coronavirus

The new virus has been little studied, he called SARS-COV-2. The infectious nature of a new type of pneumonia caused by coronavirus was confirmed, initially doctors believed that infection was possible from an animal to a person.

The first cases of infection appeared in December 2019 in the Chinese 11 millionth city of Wuhan. At the moment, the ill 225 countries of the world are registered. It has been established that the seafood market has become the seafood market, which visited the first victims. Among the sick - mostly adult men and women aged 25-89 years.

On March 11, 2020, WHO declared a coronavirus pandemic. On March 29, the media reported that in China as a whole, it was possible to stop the spread of coronavirus infection, such information was shared by the official representative of the National Commission on Health Care Mi Feng. According to him, at the present moment the number of people infected within the country does not exceed 3 thousand.

Methods of transmission

Coronavirus scientists are known 38 species, of which, together with the new, already 7 are dangerous for a person. The remaining types affect animals and are not transferred to a person. It has been established that a new type of virus is capable of transmitted not only from animals to animals and people, but also from person to man.

The main path of transmission of coronavirus - particles of saliva and mucus, which differ from a sick person with coughing or sneezing. They may be contained in the air and on any items near the infected. That is why it is possible to catch the virus when touched to handrails on the bus, the elevator buttons, door handles, someone else's mobile phone, etc. Infection occurs at the moment when man rubs his face, mouth, nose or eyes.

People WHO recommends not to contact animals and raw meat, do not eat raw eggs and non-sufficient temperature products. It is also recommended to avoid visiting people and contacts with people with symptoms of the disease.

Russians concerns the question: Is it possible to infect the virus through the parcels from China from the site "Aliexpress"? The press service of the company replied that the risk of transmission of coronavirus in the parcels is absent. The virus is sensitive to environmental changes and without a carrier in a few hours. The probability that coronavirus mutated is extremely low.


Coronavirus causes infectious disease - viral pneumonia. Among the symptoms are marked:
  • Increased body temperature;
  • cough;
  • labored breathing;
  • runny nose;
  • headache;
  • a sore throat.

In the risk group, according to the observations of doctors, there are elderly and people with a weakened immunity. At first signs of the disease, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, as an unknown virus from China is very dangerous and mortal, as they say the latest news reports.

Latest news about coronavirus in April

April 8. In the world, 1,447,466 cases of infection were recorded. These are this number - 308 215 recovered and 83,471 dead.

As of April 9. The world registered 1,511,104 cases of coronavirus. Of these, 328,661 people were able to cope with viral pneumonia, and 88 338 - died.

April 10th The number of cases increased to 1,600,427 people. 354 464 Patients managed to recover, another 95 699 died.

Data on April 11 It says that in 230 countries discovered 1,699,019 cases of coronavirus infection. 376 976 people were able to overcome the disease, and 102 774 - died.

April 12th It became known about 1,777,515 sick, of which 108,862 died and 404,236 were recovered.

As of April 13. In 232 countries registered 1,850,220 patients with coronavirus. 114 215 Of them died and 430 455 were able to overcome the disease.

14th of April The number of cases increased to 1,919,913 people. 449,589 patients were able to cope with infection, and 119 666 - died.

According to N. April 15. The world has become infected with coronavirus 1,981,239 people. 486,622 patients recovered, another 126,681 more people died.

As of April 16. already infected 2,063 161 people. Conditional infection could not be able to 136,938 patients, another 513,032 patients were successfully treated. Based on these data, it can be concluded that currently sick Coronavirus 1,413 191 people.

April 17. Statistics says about 2,58,594 overwhelmed world. 543 941 people were able to cope with the disease, and 145 533 - died.

April 18th In the world, 2,240,191 patients with coronavirus were registered. 568 343 patients were able to overcome viral pneumonia, another 153,822 - they died.

April 19. 2 329,651 cases of the disease were recorded. 595 433 patients were able to leave hospitals, and 160,721 - died.

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