How many lamented blockade of Leningrad: days, weeks, months, accurate date


January 27, 2020 marks 76 years since the end of the blockade of Leningrad. Getting to get acquainted with this theme, children begin with a school bench. They learn how much the blockade of Leningrad lasted, in which she was how the people lived on its territory, when the fascists managed to defeat and free the city. This difficult time took the lives and experienced the people for resistance. But millions of brave people survived the blockade, and thanks to their memories we know the true story.

Millions are locked in the city

The blockade of Leningrad began during the Great Patriotic War, September 8, 1941. She was held by the fascists to break the protection of the city and capture it. Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) had important importance for the German army. His capture began in July 1941, after a month the battle was near the city. The enemies could not capture it, therefore the railway was cut, which connected Leningrad with other parts of the country. The Germans decided to go to another way and destroy the city of Ismor. After capturing the enemies of Shlisselburg, the blockades were finally cut off from the world from the sushi.

Leningrad blockade lasted

After that, Leningrad residents began with food problems. Not enough food reserves. So there was a plan of the fascists, they wanted people to die from hunger and cold. But they were not ready to just wait for everyone to die, therefore bombing and artillery shelling were arranged. Fires destroyed food warehouses that would help residents to hold out longer.

The enemy arranged panic among the population, tried to prevent the work of the main enterprises. But Leningraders were stronger and bolder, they went to school every day, clinic, typography, kindergarten, theater. They continued to live. 2.5 million people remained locked in the city, 400 thousand were children. Some died during the shelling, the buildings collapsed.

Hunger and 125 grams of bread

After the destruction of food warehouses lacked, therefore, food substitutes used. Especially hungry for Leningrad residents was the pre-New Year month of 1941. The workers were issued 250 grams of bread per day, it was breakfast, and lunch, and dinner. All others received 125 grams. Mothers gave their share to children so that they do not died from hunger. Before December 25, people were starving, because this portion was insignificant. There were a lot of forces to work, compensate for their sleep and food did not work.

Leningrad blockade lasted

At the end of December, breads increased. The workers began to produce 100 grams of bread more, and the rest were added 75. Despite the fact that it was still a scant portion, people went to the streets and rejoiced together. This increase gave them hope to win.

Together with winter frosts in Leningrad, death came. Hot water and heating was not, frowned adults and children. To warm up into the oven, disassembled furniture and wooden buildings fell. Died from cold and exhaustion. Those who had the strength to move, went to work and worked full day. The pace of evacuation of people was insignificant, because there was hope for victory. The exact duration of the Leningrad blockade is 871 days. 2 years and 5 months people fought for the city and their lives.

"The road of life"

"Blockers" not only fought for themselves, but also helped the front. They supplied weapons, gear, ammunition. 300 thousand people participated in the air defense of the city, they stood in the post.

Until December 1941, small food reserves were delivered by aircraft, because the Lake Lake did not appear for a long time. This was the reason for the reduction of bread solder. November 22, traffic began on the ice road. Time on her "Rask" left a little, the movement was constant by January. The fascists fired "the road of life" in the hope of destroying it, but they did not succeed.

Leningrad blockade lasted

The evacuation of people began. The first in the queue was women, children, wounded and sick. I managed to bring a million people. In the spring of 1942, the city began to "revive": people cleared the streets, restored the buildings. Again increased bread pieces. Only after a year by the Soviet troops managed to break the ring of the blockade. According to the constructed railway, 33 km long in Leningrad sent food products and ammunition.

The exact date of removal of the blockade of Leningrad is considered January 27, 1944. Residents of the city, which almost 150 weeks fought for life, they saw a gala salute on this day. The blockade entered the story as the most cruel and bloody. 641 thousand have died in any inconspicuous people.

Interesting Facts

350 thousand people of the Leningrad Front awarded medals and orders. Among them are soldiers, officers and generals. 1.5 million people were awarded for the defense of the award. And Leningrad received the title of "Hero City".

On the streets of the blockade territory, 1500 loudspeakers were installed to notify the people about enemy attacks. Broadcast was 24 hours a day. Disable radio receivers in residential premises was prohibited. Even if the speakers stopped talking, the sound of the metronome continued to be heard in every home.

The first winter in Leningrad was frosty. People lived at temperatures up to -32 degrees without heating and hot water. The cold was held in the city until May, the snow lay a half-meter height.

In 1943, Leningrad brought 4 wagon in the smoky cats in 1943 to overcome the hordes of mice and rats. Rodents destroyed food, so the problem required immediate solution. Each family stood in line for pets. Soon, not only the fascists were defeated, but also rodents.

Leningrad blockade lasted

People living on locked territories did not know that their countrymen died and how large the scale of the tragedy. The authorities hid the facts not to exacerbate panic. Photographing dead people and destroyed buildings forbidden.

When it became known about the upcoming blockade, the authorities offered to the Leningrads evacuation, but the emphasis was applied to the necessary protection of the city. The people did not know about the danger, which is waiting for them in the city. They were called on to fight for their homeland, so they refused evacuation.

In addition to 125 grams of stale bread, Leningraders ate a hives, animal feed, pork skin for clothes.

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