Series "Dracula" (2020): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Trailer


The premiere of the mini-series "Dracula" took place on January 1, 2020. The show of the British series began on the BBC One TV channel. The release date on the cutting service of Netflix is ​​January 4, 2020. The next screen version of the Gothic story of Brama Stocheker was created by the authors of the Sherlock and the Doctor who "Mark Gethiss and Stephant Moiff. The film was removed in the genre of the horror film, thriller and drama, and consists of three episodes, for 90 minutes each.


Directed by the ministerial of Johnny Campbell and Paul McGygan. Mark Gethiss and Stephen Moffat became the authors of the script and the producers of the film. Music for the series was written by David Arnold and Michael Price. Bloody Legend - so Slogan "Dracula" sounds.

The plot line of the painting surprises interesting turns. In the first series of events develop in 1897 in transylvania. Count Dracula buys the estate in England and plans the Grand Capture of Victorian London. A young lawyer Jonathan Harker arrived in the aristocrat castle and was captured by the bloodthirsty vampire and his bride. After Jonathan falls into the women's monastery, where his personality and a visit to Dracula are interested in Mina and Agatha nuns. At this time, Count Dracula goes on a trip to London on the ship, and when it gets to the goal - it turns out to be in modern England 2020.

Actors and roles

Clas Bang - a Danish actor and a musician, who fulfilled the role of Count Dracula in the ribbon. Count-blood-blooded Dracula is no longer a ghost threat, the bloodthirsty vampire hopes to extend the vampire infection in modern England. In 2017, the film "Square" Clast Bang was awarded the European Film Academy Prize as the best European actor. In 2020, the films "Tishina Bay" and "Northerner" are expected with his participation.

The role of Jonathan Harker, a lawyer who fell into the trap in the ominous vampire castle, went to John Heffernan. Jonathan becomes a victim of Dracula, turns into another vampire and goes to the monastery.

There is a bold nun, Sister Agat Van Helsing, who played Dolly Wells, studies and interrogating Harker, asking questions about the column, in order to figure out the weak points of the vampire. Agatha's nun, Dutch scientist, on the idea of ​​the authors, was in this interpretation of the replacement of the famous vampire hunter, Professor Abraham Van Helsing.

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Actress Morbor Clark played Agatha's assist - a silent and modest monk. Prior to the monastery played actress Joanna Skanlan.

Also, the series was filmed: Jonathan Aris (Captain Sokolov), Sasha Dhavan (Dr. Sharma), Nontan Stewart Jarrett (Adisa) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

The shooting of the series "Dracula" lasted from March to August 2019 in the cities and villages of Slovakia, including in the small town of Banska Stretch, Seryen Zeneman. Some scenes were lifted in the castle of Oravsky Grad, the National Monument of Culture of Slovakia, and in Brei Studio in English County Berkshire.

On the eve of the release of the series in the cities of England, advertising shields were installed, on which the aspen stakes driven into the white canvas at night were forming a shadow in the shape of the head of the Vampire Dracula.

Film crimits have given a series, in general, positive feedback and evaluations, the series rating reached 73% at the film soldiers.

The first official trailer came out on October 27, 2019, the second trailer was released on January 32020.

Series "Dracula" - Trailer:

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