Bases Lurman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Bases Lurman - a cult name for kinomans. The director and producer was repeatedly nominated for the main filmmakers and even wrote a script for one of the Oscar ceremonies. Star fans are looking forward to the release of the next masterpiece of Lurman, because each of his films is a colorful story, star cast and realistic immersion in a temporary environment.

Childhood and youth

Director, Writer, Actor and Producer Born in Sydney in September 1962. The creative atmosphere prevailed in the family, which he brought his father who led the ballet school.

In Mark Anthony Lurmana (this is the right name of the director) the spark of artistism lit in childhood. At first, the son was engaged in the school of his father, showing a diligence in the lessons of the choreography, but he soon abandoned the dancing. According to one of the versions, after the divorce of parents, on the other, due to the passion of the theater.

In high school grades, Mark as an actor first went to school theatrical layouts. And at 17 Lurman made the first steps as a director. Scribes from like-minded people's own troupe, put several performances.

After the certificate of the base, Lurman entered the Australian School of Cinematography National Institute of Dramatic Art. After studying the basics of scenography and director, created the theater troupe "Six-year-old company" and took up the production of opera performances and musicals. In the Opera House of Sydney, Dzhacomy Puccini "Bohemia" operated by Lurmana passed from 1990 to 1996 and enjoyed tremendous success.

Personal life

With his wife Catherine Martin Lurman met in youth: Future spouses studied in the Sydney Institute of Dramatic Art, Catherine - on the course of design. After acquaintance with the future husband, she took up the development of costumes and scenery for the play base. Cooperation continued afterwarding diplomas.

Life life Lurmante and Martin have been happily. In 2003, a pair was born daughter Lilian, and a son of William appeared 2 years old.

The director is registered in "Instagram", where generously shares fresh photos, mainly workers.


Cinematic biography Base Lurmana launched in the 1980s, but not as director, but as an actor. In the films "Winter of our hopes" and "Dark Room" he played secondary roles. Since then, the movie has come to the first place in the works of Lurman, and the filmography began to be replenished with paintings in which he performed as director, screenwriter and producer.

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In 1992, the premiere of the romantic comedy "strictly according to the rules" took place. Australian not only got up at the director's console, but also wrote a script for the film. For this work, the debutant was awarded the award of the London mug of film critics. The tape fell in the nomination "Golden Globe" and BAFTA.

The picture was the first in the so-called "red curtain trilogy", which in 1996 and 2001 replenished the brilliant films "Romeo + Juliet" and "Moulin Rouge". Leonardo di Caprio and Claire Danes were starred in the first melodrama, in the second - Musicle film - Nicole Kidman and Yuen McGregor appeared.

Moulin Rouge issued the Creator to the top of the world cinema, gathered only at the US $ 11 million. The tape nominated for the "Golden Globe", and in Cannes, the 29-year-old director applauded the standing of 15 minutes. After such a loud success, LURMAN was called in Hollywood, where he took off the final part of the trilogy.

The director is difficult to call fruitful. The next film project is the drama "Australia" - the fans waited for as many as 7 years. In it sparkled Kidman, whose heroine Lady Sarah Lurman picked up the same famous partner Hugh Jackman.

The screening of the main work of Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby", published on the screens in 2012, caused a flurry of emotions. The key characters were played by Di Caprio, Carey Malligan and Toby Maguire. In May of the next year, the tape opened a film festival in Cannes. Critics noted that the colorful cinema removed in 3D is returned to replace the style of minimalism.

At the end of 2019, the last film, filmed by the base Lurmana, became the dramatic musical "Annemy". The first season of the series started in the summer of 2016. In the spring of 2017, it became known that Netflix decided not to extend the project for the 2nd season.

Bases Lurman now

Now the Hollywood Star is engaged in the search for the artist's leading role for the biographical ribbon about Korole Rock and Roll. It was rumored that the number of applicants for the role of Elvis Presley was reduced to 5 actors, among which there is Miles Teller and Ersel Elgort. But whether the Bayopic will be released on the screens in 2020, unknown.

In the nearest plans of Lurmana - the adaptation of mystical novel Mikhail Bulgakov. In an interview, the director confessed that for 20 years he feels "extraordinary connection with the novel" Master and Margarita ". Bringing the right to the shield, he felt real happiness.


  • 1992 - "Strictly according to the rules"
  • 1996 - "Romeo + Juliet"
  • 2001 - "Moulin Rouge!"
  • 2008 - "Australia"
  • 2013 - "Great Gatsby"
  • 2017 - "Anneal"

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