Rick Owens - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Fashion Designer, Designer 2021



Rick Owens is an American designer who created dozens of clothing collections and collaborated with famous concerns Revillon and Adidas. On the official website, it represents accessories, clothing, shoes and furniture, which are popular in narrow groups and wide masses.

Childhood and youth

Rick Owens was born on November 18, 1962 in the provincial California city in a Mexican-American family. The ancestors, representatives of the working professions were adherents of the Catholic Church and ensured that the child calmly grew up in a multinational country.

Having received a classic primary education in public high school, the future designer moved to Los Angeles and entered the college of the arts. He was delighted, which came out of the control of conservative father and mother, and plunged into the world of adulthood, filled with mixed feelings.

Unlike the peers, which grew in the atmosphere of restrictions, characteristic of the generation of the 60s-1970s, Rick in his youth was neither an alcoholic, nor a drug addict and quickly realized that well-being is the fruit of zealous work.

After reaching the 3rd year, he lost interest in the theory and decided to change the specialization on trade and technical design. In the course modeling courses, the guy enthusiastically dried fabrics and gradually entered the world of fashion, knowing tens of secrets.

Then a professional biography began in independent sports companies, and soon Rick decided on the style and formed an unusual taste. Unexpected solutions and components proposed by the young designer experienced colleagues showed that he is an innovator, an experimenter and not a coward.

Personal life

The personal life of Rick Owens refers from the position of Bisexual, but, despite natural inclinations, he has a wife - Michelle Lami. Judging by the photo published in "Instagram", a woman also loves experiments, and the spouses probably know how to fill the time that spend together.

The pictures show that the designer is a man with high growth and a slight weight - carefully monitors appearance to rotate among well-known people. The spouse carries its author's dresses, decorate the teeth and paints his fingers, and fans are waiting for her new appearance no less than urgent news.


In 1994, the American became the owner of the company, specializing in the wardrobe for outwear of young people. He presented a collection of clothing in the store on Hollywood Boulevard, and connoisseurs struck a variety of minimalist ideas.

Selling leather jackets, T-shirts and asymmetric skirts, a fashion designer with an extravagant appearance created a separate gloomy world. The case was that Owens, who was considered a Panker of the Industry, freedom, drove into certain framework, was used as the main landmark.

In early 2001, the American fashion designer moved to Italy and received additional fame due to the product for Kate Moss. And then he opened a fashionable house in Paris, located in the former office of Francois Mitterian, and it became the embodiment of the most bold desires and dreams.

The Owenscorp brand belonging to Rica, later expanded his own ruler and began to make collections of sneakers and outerwear from fur. Shows, which took place at the sponsorship of Anna WinTour and Vogue America, deserved universal admiration and mass of warm words.

Colleagues noted that the author used only a black and white gamut, which gave it a special sophistication and chic silhouettes. Praise also earned sneakers and boots on the rubber sole, which could wear both rocker and Harvard graduate.

The leading world brands liked what Rick Owens did, and once the representatives of the German concern adidas concluded a multi-year contract with him. The designer created the demonstration models of Blade High-Rick and Tech Runner, in which harmoniously combined assertive aggression and intelligent tact.

A separate direction in the work of the American was the release of original furniture, first presented on the exposition in the Paris Museum of Contemporary Art. For the manufacture you need marble and untreated plywood, deer horns, suede, leather and thick wooden timber.

It shocked fashion connoisseurs, but the top of the author's mouth was the scandalous show, which took place in 2015. Men cheerfully went on the podium with bare intimate places, and the sophisticated public did not know how to react to nude.

Rick Owens now

Now the Rick Owens collection is sold throughout the world, his clothes are in demand in Paris, London and Moscow. On the official website of the company presents new 2020, which will be relevant in the wardrobe, selected for autumn and spring.

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