Uncle Ben (character) - photos, movies, marvel, description, ben Parker, "Spiderman"


Character History

Uncle Ben is a character of popular comic about a spider man created by Marvel. There is a uncle to the main hero of the stories, Peter Parquer. The man is distinguished by a calm, balanced character, the desire to avoid various kinds of conflicts. Character wise, kind, wishes for a nephew of the best, gives life advice. The audience came to the soul, the figure of the old man, performing in comics and films episodic and at the same time an important role.

History of character creation

The authors of the character became Writer Stan Lee and Illustrator Steve Ditko, who were also invented and the image of a man-spider. According to the thought of the creators of Uncle Ben, the audience had to perceive the hero as a faithful assistant Peter Parker, a wise mentor, stunning the dust of the young man. For the first time on the pages of comic, a man appeared in 1962. Lee and Ditko thoughtfully thought out the characteristic of the hero, his psychology, the image of thoughts, appearance.

Readers saw Uncle Ben with a high man of middle body - the hero's growth was 183 cm, weight - 80 kg. Such a description emphasized the statistics and masculinity of Parker. In the comics, the character was already elderly. The full name of the uncle of man-spider - Benjamin "Ben" Parker. Despite the stormy youth, the hero retained the best human qualities in the shower.

Biography and Uncle Ben

Long before the birth of Peter Parker his uncle Benjamin lived in a hippie commune. Here the hero disclosed the importance of love, care for melee, non-conflict. Later, having acquainted with the future wife of Mary, could manifest himself in front of a girl as attentive and sensitive in love. In the family of Ben, reacted positively to the selection of the Son. Having become married, the character retained a warm relationship with his brother Richard, the father of Peter, and his family.

After the tragic death of Richard and his wife in a plane crash, Ben Parker and his wife took care of a little orphan by Peter. Benjamin sought to raise the correct qualities in the boy, a persistent character, it took care that the child studied well. Since Parker Jr. was an excellent student at school and did not possess good physical strength, classmates used the moment, mocked and mocked the teenager. Uncle tried to help the nephew cope with school conflicts.

When Peter studied at the university, Harry Ozborn became his loved ones, the son of the Ozborp Industric Corporation owner of Norman Ozbard. Young people had common interests, in particular the study of biology. One day, when the student group went on a tour of the company Norman, in one of the guy halls a genetically changed poisonous spider bites.

Through the bite, the young man receives superconduble, but Uncle Ben does not even suspect about it. Benjamin decides not to be submitted to the court to normal Ozbarne due to the incident in Ozbarp Industries, as it is afraid that the judicial history may adversely affect the friendship of the nephew with Harry. Shortly after these events, Peter accidentally broke the Flash Thompson hand, with whom he studied in the same class.

Native victims threatened Benjamin by a court proceedings. Uncle Ben tried to find a compromise, agreed that he would pay for a teenager treatment, because he had no money on a good lawyer. The old man understands that his nephew is most likely not guilty at the beginning of a fight, as Flash has always been the first to go on Peter. After these events, Benjamin and his wife began to receive letters with monetary bills. Parker Jr. convinced uncle that his school teachers send money. In fact, having received superpower, the young man began to earn, participating in the Fight Club.

Feeling confidence, Parker Jr. entered the school team on basketball. Frequent workouts affected the results of study - the guy's mark decreased. Uncle is in a hurry to seriously talk to the nephew, teach that place priorities, but Peter does not listen to wise teachings. Once, being in the image of a spider man who has already gained great popularity, the young man becomes a witness to how the robber ran away from the policeman. The guy could easily cope with the criminal, but the pride took the top - Parker Jr. decided that this is a matter for the police, and not for the real hero.

A little later, when Benjamin with Mei was at home, incomprehensible noise rang out. It turned out that the thief crashed into the house, which demanded money from the owners. Uncle Peter explained that there are no money in the family and joked that the robber of cash bills certainly more than the old men. This joke was angry with an attacker, and he shot in Ben. The bullet was deadly. Ironically, the hero killed that robber, whom Peter decided not to stop, considering himself too busy for this.

Uncle Ben in movies

The image of the uncle Ben's character to form the nature of Peter, the image of Uncle Ben appeared in the screen vendors of the Marvel Universe comics. In the draft director Sam Raymi "Spiderman", the role of Benjamin embodied on the screen Actor Cliff Robertson. In the first part of Uncle Ben died from the bullet of the robber. Before death, a man gives the nephew Tip:

The more power, the more responsibility.

In the second film, after the death of a relative, Peter was guided by this phrase, which became a bright quote in the world of comic fans.

In the third part of the project Parker Jr. and Aunt Mei learn that Uncle killed Flint Marco. But he did it by chance. Therefore, Peter forgives the killer. In 2012, the director Mark Webb presents its version of the comic book. For the role of Ben, Webb invites Artist Martin Bus. In addition to movies, the character appears in computer games based on the plot of comics. In them, the Spiderman should find his uncle's grave.


Luck or failure - no more than a combination of case, preparation and determination. Full of magic. Close your eyes, and you will feel it around yourself. Some maybe everything, if he does not lose faith in herself.


  • 2002 - "Spiderman"
  • 2004 - Spiderman 2 "
  • 2007 - "Spiderman 3: the enemy in reflection"
  • 2012 - "New Spiderman"

Computer games

  • 2014 - Spider-Man Unlimited

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