The strangest gifts that got stars: Russian, 2019


Russian celebrities for an ordinary fan - an ephemeral substance whose attention is incredibly difficult to attract. Going to a concert of your favorite artist, loyal fans choose gifts: flowers, plush toys, dishes. Nevertheless, the fantasy of the Russian man is limitless, and the editorial office of 24cmi has prepared material about the strangest presentations that the Russian pop artists received.


After falling the meteor body on February 15, 2013, in the surroundings of Chelyabinsk, enterprising residents began to trade the asteroid fragments on the Avito platform. "Bi-2" in a month at the concert joked that they would like to have their own piece of meteorite. The rock group did not expect that one Chelyabinsk fan, Alla Polkanova, so Surov, which sent a letter with a fragment of a meteorite found at the fall site. By the way, at Avito for fragments, people were ready to give tens of thousand rubles, so Alla presented the original and expensive gift.

"Diskoteka Avaria"

"Needed where was born". An enterprising Tambov dental brothers Konstantin and Dmitry Ermakov diligently cast a gypsum copy of the tooth of 20x20 cm in size, laid out the DA logo rhinestones and presented a gift in the dressing room "Disco Cancers" in the spring of 2008. The Russian group appreciated the dignity of the hardests of the guys and appease that this tooth was presented after filming the "Stern Rap" clip, in which the gypsum figure fits perfectly.

Dima Bilan.

The governor of the Stavropol Territory, Alexander Chernogorov, expressed his tenderly thanks to the Russian artist for the next, third, conducted charity concert in 2007, is a herd of 900 branners. Dima Bilan was surprised by an unexpected offer and reported that the child's patribution would take their parents.


What is received as a gift from dedicated fans artists touched by Siberia? For example, a 20-year-old mammoth talent, a rather valuable artifact of mammoth fauna. A strange surprise guards first accepted for a log, nevertheless, Valeria's beawned passed safely and safety. In 2010, the singer received a unique gift from the Russian club of Orthodox patrons - a measuring icon with the image of the Saint Patron of the singer Anna Gothskaya.

Alla Pugacheva

The one who is familiar with Allla Borisovna knows that the singer does not like to move through the air. Priaudonna has long rented a personal car with all amenities from Russian Railways. Nevertheless, in 2007, the company decided to please the People's Artist of the USSR with a strange gift - a new VIP car. The singer's apartments have a kitchen, living room, toilet, children's room, a negotiable and miniature winter garden.

Philip Kirkorov

In October 2019, Filipp Pobrosovich informed the public with his hits in Pechora (Komi Republic). The head of the municipal district Natalya Panishin presented as a gift to the artist meter salmon, as the artist shared in the Microblog Instagram. "Come to the Pechora yet! We have a bears around the city and there are Mammoth's remains, "joked in the comments.

Philip Kirkorov knows how to present the original gifts "with a compliment." In June 2019, the king of pop music at the presentation of the video "Voditsa" handed Olga Buzova miniature copy of the "Crystal Microphone", which the winners of the international contest of the Eurovision Song of the Evrovision are awarded.

Actors who sing

Actors who sing


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Actors who sing

Jeremy Renner as a child was a guitarist in the Sons of Ben group. The actor has several own songs.

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Actors who sing

Russell Crowe was engaged in music for more than 30 years. The actor is the founder of the group of 30 ODD FOOT OF GRUNTS and the author of their songs.

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Actors who sing

Mark Walberg was engaged in music and even recorded 2 albums, but after the second he abandoned the musical career and went to the movies.

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Actors who sing

Charlotte Gensbar, famous for the film "Nymphomaniac", released several solo albums, her tracks can be heard in the paintings of Charlotte forever and "Love Plus".

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Actors who sing

Bruce Willis since childhood dreamed of singing and engaged in music and vocals. The actor has three solo country albums. Bruce acts as a performer and now, on stage, he appears under the name Bruno.

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Actors who sing

Hugh Laurie can play guitar, shock, piano and saxophone, and also loves to sing live. The actor participates in the Band From TV group and often gives charitable concerts.

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Actors who sing

Scarlett Johansson released two solo albums: Anywhere I Lay My Head and Break Up.

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Actors who sing

Jackie Chan has been engaged in the School of Opera and for all his life I released about 20 albums.

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Actors who sing

Richard Gir plays on a pipe, guitar and other musical instruments. The actor although the preference of the cinema as a result, but independently performs solo parties in films.

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Actors who sing

Dmitry Dyuzhev discovered the talent of the vocalist on the Two Star Shows. The actor tours with his partner on the show Tamara Gverdzitel.

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Actors who sing


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