How to calm Women's Hysteria - Methods


All women tend to give out their emotions and feelings. Sometimes a hysterical attack is a whim and manipulation of a man. But with genuine hysterics it is difficult to control the situation. The editorial office in 24cmi will tell about 5 ways to stop the female hysteria.

Attention and care

5 ways to stop feminine hysteria

If an emotional splash is just beginning to gain momentum, the woman still controls itself and is able to stop the hysteria itself. At the very beginning, a man is better to be nearby, hug, show tenderness, perhaps that they are trying to achieve, and the attention of his beloved will act like a sedative. Repeat that everything will pass and everything will be fine. The hysterical attack lasts no more than 7 minutes, wait for this time. Later, in a conversation, you can delicately find out the causes of concern or fear that led to an explosion of emotions.

A change of scenery

You can stop hysteria by changing the situation. Test outsiders from the room, or output the woman to the street or to another room. At the same time, it should be calm and confident, short phrases in the form of teams: "Let's go with me", "drink water", "Sit". Confine the situation, removing dangerous, sharp and heavy items around.

Distracting maneuvers

5 ways to stop feminine hysteria

If an emotional splash has already reached a peak, and the woman does not control itself and their emotions, urgently take measures. There are many ways to stop hysteria. It is possible to quickly stop hysterics with a sharp and unexpected action, for example, pinch, give a mesmer, but tangible slap.

Satisfying effect will give a cold shower or a glass of cold water - pour it on hysterical. Try to copy your hysterical behavior, but at the same time keep yourself in your hands and remain adequate. This will help a woman look at himself and critically treat their behavior.


If the tantrum is used in relationships as a whistering and method of manipulation, the best way to deal with it is not to pay attention. Do not call for adequacy, do not say consolation words, showing pity. This will only provoke the continuation and repetition of the attack. If the whim will be executed, the woman will immediately understand that in the future will be able to seek what wishes. Therefore, it will be better to go to another room, go about your affairs and pretend that nothing happens.

Translate energy into a peaceful bed

5 ways to stop feminine hysteria

During the hysteria of feelings and emotions, they reach the limit, the same physiological processes occur in the body as during sex. If a man turns out the output of emotions in the right direction, it will be the best way to develop events. After such an emotional shake, the braking of physiological processes occurs, and the woman will calmly sleep.

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