Rats and Messenchak y (characters) - photos, films, actors, Alisa Seleznev, "Mystery of the Third Planet"


Character History

Rats and Merchant y - Characters of the cycle of fantastic works about Alice Seleznevaya, created by the writer Kirome Bulychev. Heroes are found in many books of the series, as well as their images appear in the screening and cartoon version. Both characters are cosmic pirates, robbers, both have the same diagnosis - "complete atrophy of conscience." In the works act as the enemies of the main character, the girls Alice, but in rare cases help to fight with other villains.

The history of the creation of characters

The first books of the series appeared in the late 60s - early 70s of the XX century. In the center of the plots - the adventures of Alice Selezneva, girls living at the end of the XXI century. The heroine travels in space, moves over time. As in traditional fabulous stories, in fantastic writings, Bulychev introduces antagonists, characters that prevent good deeds to the main actors. Invented Writer rats and merry, I remember readers and found popularity.

The author thoroughly thought out the appearance and characteristics of cosmic pirates, using to describe the images of robbers receiving contrast. One of them is thin, the second is fat. Characters are not familiar with the concepts of morality, ethics. Rats and merry women are doing business based on personal, egoistic interests. At the same time, the writer does not make them too dangerous - throughout the stories where these heroes appear, the pirates do not commit attempts to eat on the life of Young Seleznev.

For the first time, readers got acquainted with a colorful duet on the pages of the story "Travel Alice", released in 1974. In the works of Bulychev, criminals change. In the early works of harsh and unprincipled characters. Robbery capture cosmic captains, trying to remove the secret of absolute fuel, want to take possession of myelophone, a device for reading other people's thoughts. By the end of the series, the heroes are already depicted by the elderly, not showing enjoyment to Alice.

The history and images of rat and a merry

Rats were born on the planet Crocrois. In his youth, he worked as an agent on the intelligence agencies of the native planet. Later, he preferred cosmic piracy by these classes, founded his team. Pirate activities began for the hero successfully thanks to the elusiveness - rats could change the appearance. In particular, the character accepted the topics of his own enemies, which was misleading, and the rat allowed to be retrieved by lawlessness.

Since the hero is constantly changing the appearance, few people know how the gangster actually looks like. In the book, the writer gives a detailed portrait of the true appearance of the rat. The pirate has similar features with a scorpion, shaggy legs, a round body and sharp claws. On the back of the hero are small wings, but they are not needed for flights - with the help of their loud buzzing, the rats stuns the enemy. Also, the villain has a tail, at the end of which a poisonous sting is located, but the poison brings harm only to the inhabitants of the Crocrys planet.

The cosmic criminal is proud to be able to create illusions - this allowed him to try himself as a kinodule. Most often, the character prefers to take the appearance of a small, thin, sad man. The writer even indicates the weight of the pirate - along with things it is about 44 kg. For some time, the leader of the Pirate Group, which rats created, was his mother.

Merchant, the second pirate, got the original nickname for addiction to cruel jokes. The hero is not considered anything, has no idea of ​​family values, as evidenced by the story of his youth. Then the character was not afraid to sell his mother into slavery on a small planet. Later, already being secured, I remembered the relandere and decided to buy it out. However, by that time, the mother managed to get rid of slavery on their own - the son's visit was so angry with the lady that the pirate was barely managed to escape.

Nevertheless, already united with rats, turns back to a relative, when the robbers appear difficulties. Despite the fact that it is the right hand of the second puzzle, the merry can easily betray an accomplice. He is a cowardly and often encourages those who are stronger. The status of the cosmic robber causes a sense of pride in the character. The fat man emphasizes that with rats they are not ordinary, but "noble pirates."

Rats and merry in films

The fantastic series of Kira Bulychev became the basis for the shields. In 1981, the director Roman Kachanov presented the audience the cartoon "Mystery of the Third Planet". Here the pirates have changed somewhat. So, rats received another name - "Most from the planet Catrup."

Rats and merryfilm ribs

On the screen, the character appears in the image of a flexible humanoid, resembling a phoning worm. In the cartoon final, being exposed, trying to simulate poisoning. However, Messenchak immediately exposes the "colleague" in front of other heroes. Merchant itself is depicted in a thick, reminding pig. Saving from justice, the character becomes the prey of the bird of the Croke - the further fate of the pirate is unknown.

In 1984, cosmic robbers appeared among the characters in the movie "Guest from the Future". The role of the rat embodied on the screen actor Mikhail Kononov, and the image of a merchant y - Vyacheslav innocent. In the picture, the robbers change appearance, know how to levitate under the conditions of attraction of the Earth. The main goal of pirates is a myelofon, a device for reading thoughts. The actors masterfully born in the images of the aliens, made closest to the text of the Bulychev. Quotes from a cartoon and a feature film have gained popularity in the audience.


We are not bandits! We are noble pirates! I did not fall, the chef - I was dropped ... And you tried a kefir?


  • 1974 - "Alice Travel"
  • 1976 - "Million Adventure"
  • 1978 - "One hundred years ahead"
  • 1989 - "War with Liliputs"
  • 1995 - "Children of Dinosaurs"
  • 2001 - "Alice and Enchanted King"


  • 1981 - "Mystery of the Third Planet"
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"

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