Film "Explorer" (2018): Actors, Roles, Release Date, Trailer


The film "Explorer" directed by Ilya Maksimov in the genre Psychological Thriller went to hire in the cinemas of Russia November 29, 2018. Date of access to TV screens - January 24, 2020 on TV channel TV-3. On the creation of film guides, actors and roles, as well as interesting facts about the film - in the material 24cm.


For the director of the project Ilya Maximov "Explorer" became his first full-length work. Prior to this, the viewers of Maximov was a sign on the serials "lawyer", "Spy Games", "Fifth Guard" and others. In 2020, under the leadership of Maximov, the "Random Frame" picture is also expected. The authors of the script and producers tape "Explorer" - Anna Kurbatova and Alexander Topuria. I also produced a picture of Mikhail Kurbatov, Grigory Dungeon, Sergey Fix and Dmitry Fix. Music for the film wrote Denis Surov.

The plot of the paintings tells about the girl named Katya, who discovers the gift to see the perfume and communicate with ghosts. Katina sister-twin disappears without a trace, the police believe that the sisters do not exist, and the main character itself goes in search. Katya guess that the sister became a victim of the maniac, which appeared in the city. The girl believes that he can find and save his sister, despite the fact that the gloomy city is full of riddles, secrets and ghosts.

Actors and roles

Katya Kaluga - the main heroine of the thriller, which possesses the mystical ability to see ghosts. The role of Kati and her twin sister Larisa played actress Alexander Bortich, familiar to the audience on the TV series "Policeman from Rublevka" and the films "About Love", "I lose it" and "Hop".

Evgeny Tsyganov played the role of the investigator Kapkova. In 2019, Tsyganov starred in 6 films ("Dead Lake", "Creature", "Odessa" and others).

The theater and cinema actor Alexander Robak appeared in the picture in the image of the Ghost Vasi, which manifests sympathy to Kate. Alexandra Robaku, the public knows on the series "Plot", "Chiromancer 2", "Christmas Trees" and other films. In 2019, films "Beetles", "Epidemic" and "Storm" came out with his participation.

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Parents Sister-twins Kati and Larisa played Sergey Gorobchenko and Maria Malinovskaya. Vasily Bochkarev fulfilled the role of Ghost San Sanych, Catherine Rockot appeared in the image of the Ball Ghost. Katya as a child played Martha Timofeyev.

The roles of the second plan in the picture "Explorer" performed: Vladimir Yaglych (Anton Morozov), Vyacheslav Robregaev (Laktin), Yuri Skoryabin (operative), Anastasia Gribova (Valery), Ekaterina Vulichenko (Alice).

Interesting Facts

The creators of the picture initially positioned the genre of the project as a horror, and not a thriller, which disappointed critics and spectators who had decisled "horror".

SECTION Some scenes paintings were conducted in mysterious places in Moscow and Moscow region, such as the Bitsevsky Park, famous for the real history of the Manyak killer; Vintage estates, cemeteries and abandoned buildings. Also, the film crew has chosen dark wine cellar and cellas of Prince Golitsyn for shooting certain episodes.

Alexandra Bortich Shooting was not easy - the actress had to run a lot, jump, fall and "fly." In one shooting day, the Bortich spent a few hours in the "suspended" state, after the scene in the basement, filled with blood, the actress had long been laundered from the adhesive of the red liquid.

The film "Explorer" - Trailer:

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