Epidemic in China 2020: photo, video, latest news, closed cities


In 2020, replacing atypical pneumonia, bird, pork flu and other sensational maliciousness, the reason to tickle the nerves of gullible viewers, radio listeners and Internet users became a mysterious epidemic in China - in how people live in closed due to coronavirus cities, will try to deal with 24cm .

There is a lot of infections.

Because of the abundance of information expressed in the number of information in social networks and the video "first-hand" of information related to the extending no longer only in China, but also beyond the virus, it is difficult to deal with, where the truth ends, but the bloggers start raising the number of views And subscriptions on the channel due to parasitization on the "Haip" around the current situation. Well, at the same time subscribers "Hold in Tonus".

Due to viral pneumonia, the beginning of which, if you believe scientists, put a virus mutant, "born" from a combination of infectious agents from snake viruses and bat, more than 60 million people were isolated - 10 major cities in China were blocked to combat distribution Diseases.

According to the script of the apocalypse

And then the "Terra of Incognit" begins, to judge the distribution in China with the infection, which is fast in the language of bloggers and journalists, have already managed to observe Chumay, sometimes even doubting the virus nature of the disease, perhaps only in the posts of local inhabitants. And the situation appears not too iris:

  • So, Wuhan, who turned out to be blocked among the first, seemed to be almost extinct, the place of "origin" of the epidemic was left more than 5.5 million people;
  • On numerous before the streets were a minimum of passersby;
  • The metro was closed;
Closing metro
  • Military physicians who participated in the fight against outbreaks of atypical pneumonia were connected to treatment;
  • Streets and transport disinfect, why the streets of the city of Wuhan arises a ghost fog;
  • Permanent checks are carried out;
  • There were empty shelves in the stores;
  • But in hospitals, on the contrary, everything was a bit.


Against the background of relatively adequate, although the caller of the videos of videos are found frankly questionable and frightening, which with a large probability are called to sow panic and catch "Haip":
  • With falling unconscious on the streets on the move by people and exterior doctors;
  • With people arguing that anyone will soon be sick;
  • and nurses calling for respirators and masks.

A big question causes as the fact that on some details are planned very conditionally and can reflect how the "new plague" in China and episodes with heart attacks. And there is nothing in others, except for the person speaking, why it is difficult to judge whether they were removed in the Uhana or anywhere else.

According to the official version

Another source of information becomes issues of federal channels, which, however, do not even be able to use the information obtained from video blocks. In their fulfillment, the situation in the Middle Kingdom looks no longer so frightening.

And Coronavirus is no longer carrying such terrible consequences for humanity: death threatens only people with weakened immunity, as a rule, over 60 and with the presence of other diseases, such as diabetes, hepatitis, etc.

And about the main thing

How true the information from certain hands is difficult to judge, it is possible that the "power hide" and try to prevent panic. It is possible that others try to "pull the nerves" - jokes have now become rigid and even cruel.

However, many people have an expanding coronavirus epidemic interests solely on the other side, whether the next parcel of China will reach them or will be wrapped on the border. But with this question, the situation has developed safely - considering that the virus is not capable of surrender to survive outside the body, the parcel from China is not dangerous.

So at least on this occasion is not worth worrying, but to observe the situation and refrain from traveling to dangerous regions will still be useful.

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