Film "Little Women" (2019): Release Date, Actors, Roles, Trailer


The premiere of the American Dramatic Film "Little Women" Greet Hervig took place on December 7, 2019 at the Museum of Modern Art of New York, in the cinemas, the show began on December 25th. The film was the eighth on the account of the novel of the American writer Louise Olcott "Little Women" (English Little Women) of 1868. The release date in Russian cinemas was scheduled for January 3020.


The director and the author of the painting scenario was chosen by Greta Selesta Gervig, american actress and screenwriter. The film "Lady Berd" was the director's debut. Music to Ribe wrote French composer Alexander Despl.

The plot of "small women" describes events from the life of four girls, sisters March, in New England during the civil war of the 1860s. Sisters will have to face relevant and to this day the problems of young girls - the first love, disappointment, separation from loved ones, the search for your "I". The filming of the film continued from October to December 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts.

Actors and roles

The role of the senior sister Margaret March got British actress and fashion model Emme Watson, who gained fame after the role of Hermione in Harry Potter. Meg is a modest, feminine and romantic girl with beautiful manners. Meg is embarrassed by poverty, dreams of beautiful life, luxurious dresses and expensive ornaments.

Joe March, the second to senior sister, played Sirsha Ronan. Ronan is the favorite Greta Gervig, the artist of the lead role in her film "Lady Berd". Also, the audience remember Sires on the film "Cute bones", "Brooklyn". Joe is a talented and independent girl, she loves to read and dreams to become a writer. Men's company and climbing on trees are interested in Joe much more than balls and boring maiden conversations.

Robust and quiet Elizabeth March played Elaise Scanile. Beth is not indifferent to music and dreams of a new piano. Girl relations with sisters are smooth and calm, it is also tied to an old man Mr. Laurence.

The role of younger from the sisters of Amy March was performed by the British actress Florence Pugh, familiar to the film workers on the tapes "Lady Macbeth", "Passenger". In 2019, the film "Solstice" was also released with her participation, and in 2020, a "black widow" is expected with Florence as Elena White. Amy March has a controversial character: it is capable of cunning and cruelty, uses charm for personal purposes, capricious and selfish, but can and repent.

Also, the film was filmed: Laura Dern (Marmi March), Timothy Shalama (Theodore Lori Lorence), Meryl Strip (Aunt March), Bob Odenproke (Father March), Chris Cooper (Mr. Lawrence) and others.

Interesting Facts

Initially, Greta Gerving was appointed a picture screenwriter, and the director's chair went to her after the debut with the tragicomedia "Lady Berd" (2017), which had success in the audience and film critics.

The film rating has reached 90-95% in film soldiers, which indicates "universal recognition."

"Little women" were nominated for the Oscar premiums, Golden Globe and BAFTA in several categories.

On December 25, 1994, the fifth film "Little Women", Director Gillian Armstrong, was published, with Winona Rider in the lead role, which became the owner of the Oscar and BAFTA premiums.

Film "Little Women" - Trailer:

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