Chivruian tragedy: 1973, what is known, the versions, participants of the expedition


In 2020, marks 47 years since the Chivruian tragedy, which is now often compared with the death of the Dyatlov group in 1959. In January 1973, ten Kuibyshev students, among whom were one girl, went to the ski campaign on the Kola Peninsula. Tourist students died on the second day of the campaign, their bodies were later discovered during the search operation.

The tragedy on Chivruae causes the interest of researchers and disputes about the present cause of the incident. In 2020, the release of the Talk Show Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether", dedicated to the incident on Chivruae. The fact that the incident, the participants of the expedition and the possible causes of their death are in the material 24cm.

Participants, organization of the campaign and death of students

The tourist group included members of two teams, experienced tourists Mikhail Kuznetsov and Valentin Zemlin. Ilya Altshuler and Lydia Martin , which was the only girl in the group, also had the experience of such expeditions. Six people from the group: Sergey Gusev, Yuri Krivov, Artem Lekant, Alexander Novoselov, Anatoly Pirogov and Yuri Ushkov - There were experience in tourism, but in the campaign of such difficulty went for the first time.

Stand with photos of dead tourists

January 25, tourists came out from the village of Revda. Their route did not apply to a difficult category and ran through the River Chivruiai, through the excresses of the tundra (mountains). On January 31, the end of the expedition was planned, students should come to Kirovsk. On the 2nd day, the skiers passed sederozero and, rising upstream, staged a hat. But they did not organize the night, did not install the tent, but they went on to the Valley of the Kitkuai River. In the evening, he struck severe frost - the temperature dropped to -40 degrees, a strong hurricane rose, atmospheric pressure fell. Put the tent in such conditions it was impossible. The group was divided: five people were probably going to intelligence, and five of the remaining tried to warm up, hiding the tarpaulter, - in such a situation their bodies were found.

The place where they found the first dead tourists

The interlock was trapped - they could not get to the village without skis, and a hurricane wind interfered back back, whose speed reached 180 km / h. The group of other skiers, who went on the same route last, accidentally discovered the dead. A search operation was organized with the participation of military personnel.

On February 6, the rescuers got to the place of the death of five students, two more were discovered at a short distance. A month later, I managed to find two bodies. The remains of the last student, Ilya Altshuler, found in June 1973.

Possible reasons for the tragedy on Chivruae

The tragedy of 1973 is compared for similar circumstances, duration and complexity of search engines with the death of the Dyatlov group in 1959. Also in both cases, the skin found the skin had a dark brown tint.

The map on which the place of the Chivruian tragedy is indicated

The official version of the death of skiers consider supercooling and harsh weather conditions. Tourists allowed a number of errors, the established climatic circumstances determined the tragic outcome. However, law enforcement bodies and relatives did not explain the causes of the incident and were not allowed to conduct their own investigation. In addition, the materials of the criminal case were lost or classified, the circumstances of the tragedy remained completely unclear. This gave rise to many unofficial and fantastic versions.

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Some researchers believe that students were killed - the discovered bodies did not have eyeballs. Later, this fact was explained by the impact of the hurricane in which tourists were.

The effect of otherworldly forces and mystical phenomena is also not excluded in today's investigations. Places near Seidozer have bad fame from local residents. There are versions that the otherworldly caused clouding of students' consciousness than the illogicality of their actions is explained.

Among other reasons are the tests of secret weapons, the launch of meteorological missiles, which tourists could be frightened. There are versions about a meeting with a snowy person who destroyed the enemies encroached on its territory, and even an incredible version of the alien beings killing participants of the expedition.

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