Boris Kagarlitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Sociologist, News, Politics 2021



Boris Kagarlitsky - Russian sociologist, author of books and articles, candidate of political sciences. Having an active life position, he participated in the formation of associations interested in promoting political initiatives.

Childhood and youth

Boris Yulievich was born in Moscow on August 28, 1958. His family was not easy, the parents of the boy were representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Father was famous theater and theoretics in the field of literature. The fact that the biography of the Kagarlitsky will be associated with creative endeavors, close and relatives guess from the very beginning, because he grew up in an environment where everything had plenty to the writer's craft.

The young man received a specialty sociologist in the field of culture in Gitis. Training was completed in the 1980s, but the defense of the diploma took place after 8 years. Boris were caught in antisocial activities and anti-Soviet propaganda, therefore, excluded from candidates for the members of the CPSU.

Personal life

Boris Kagarlitsky is married. His wife is name Irina Glushchenko, she works as a journalist. Couple has a daughter Ksenia Kagarlitsky.

A sociologist leads an account in "Instagram", where it periodically publishes the photo. Boris shares with subscribers of details of a personal life. For example, Folloviers know about his pet love - a cat and a dog. Some nuances of the publicist prefers to leave behind the scenes, so information about its growth and weight remains closed.


Politics interested Boris from the institute bench. He adhered to the left socialist views and from 1977 to 1982 was a representative of the relevant association. As a publicist, Kagarlitsky participated in the publication of the magazines "Left turn" and "Options".

The man was arrested in 1982, imputing involvement in the case of "young socialists." He was not the only accused and after the promise to stop anti-Soviet activity was released. Pardon Sociologist issued the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the USSR. In 1983, Kagarlitsky participated in the court hearing against Mikhail Rivkin. Boris's testimony used to assign a prison sentence.

From 1980 to 1988, he supported moderate political activity in parallel working as a postman and lifter. In 1986, a sociologist participated in the organization of the club of social initiatives that arose on the outcome of the decade in the atrosphere of thirst for change. From 1987 to 1988, Boris headed the Federation of Socialist clubs as part of other leaders. In the period from 1989 to 1971, Kagarlitsky worked as a browser at the Agency "Ima-Press".

In the late 1990s, the publicist ruled the Moscow Popular Front and consisted in the MNF Coordination Council. He initiated the organization of the Committee of the New Socialists from the number of PTF partners. On the wave of restructuring, Kagarlitsky became a deputy of the Moscow Council and a representative of the Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, as well as the Party of Labor, in which he came from 1991 to 1994.

Continuing journalistic activities, Boris wrote reviews for the trade union newspaper "Solidarity" and performed as an expert from the person of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of the Russian Federation. Labor Party broke up in 1995. During this period, Kagarlitsky worked at the Institute of Comparative Political Screen RAS.

In 2000, the politician initiated the creation of the movement of anti-globalists and held the post of Director of the Institute for Globalization Problems. Since 2005, he consisted of the editorial board of the publication of the True Info. At the same time, Kagarlitsky became a member of the Moscow City Committee of the Left Front, speaking against the Zasil of the oligarchy in the country. Behind the shoulders of the publicist by 2019 there were several books in which he described his own views.

In 1988, the author became the laureate of the Daughter Prize for the project "Thoring Cane". In the early 1990s, in the UK, the literary opts "Dialectic Times" and "Goodbye, Perestroika" were published. Books were published in English and reissued abroad. Kagarlitsky's fans happily met and the work of "square wheels". "The collapsed monolith" is the author of the author, in which articles were combined, written at the junction of decades.

Boris Kagarlitsky now

In 2019, the political analyst is the editor-in-chief of the magazine "". He takes the post of director of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements, and also advocated a candidate for deputies of the Moscow City Duma. Now, as in the youth, Boris Yulievich adheres to an active political position.


  • 1988 - "Dialectics of Hope"
  • 1989 - The Thinking Reed: Intellectuals And The Soviet State, 1917 to the Present
  • 1992 - "Collapsed Monolith. Russia on the eve of new battles
  • 2000 - "Restoration in Russia"
  • 2002 - "Globalization and Left"
  • 2003 - "Middle class uprising"
  • 2004 - "Peripheral Empire: Russia and Mirosystem"
  • 2005 - "Marxism: Not recommended for learning"
  • 2005 - "Managed Democracy: Russia, which we imposed"
  • 2007 - "Political Science Revolution"
  • 2009 - "Peripheral Empire: Russian history cycles."
  • 2010 - "From the Empires to Imperialism"
  • 2013 - "Neoliberalism and Revolution"
  • 2017 - "Between class and discourse. Left intellectuals on guard of capitalism "

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