Andrei Vendenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



While Youtube's active users are more than deservedly handcrew by video climbing Yuri Dudia, the journalist himself calls one of the best interviewes of Russia Andrei Vendenko, which according to the current standards is considered a huge praise. Genuine admiration for a talented and bold colleague, asked at the end of the winter of 2020, not quite simple questions to the President of the Russian Federation, expressed the editor-in-chief of "Echo Moscow" Alexey Venediktov.

Childhood and youth

In the eighth November Day of 1959, Yevgeny Dmitrievich and Nina Vladimirovna Vendenko first became parents. At the end of the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, they were sent to Lugansk, where the eldest son Andrei appeared on the light (after 5 years he came to the turn and younger Igor).

The woman taught students of the machine-building technical school theoretical mechanics and concomprise, her husband held the secretary of the party committee of coal Researge and was listed by a freelance assistant to the first secretary of the city community of the party.

The ability to writing the boy was originated in childhood, in the 4th grade of High School No. 30, he was published in newspapers. In adolescence, Andrei took a well-deserved victory from the Ukrainian Republican Competition, where the greatest impression on the harsh members of the jury was made by his story about the grandfather - the veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, having received a cherished certificate of maturity, a graduate disappeared without difficulty to conquer Zhurfak KNU named after Taras Shevchenko. By the way, and the native brother Andrei also had a craving for writing, for 20 years he served as the chef editor of "new news", up to their closure.

Personal photographs who would shed light on a family biography, a man in Facebook does not particularly complain, but see how the father and other people close to him look like, in a separate account of the son of Anton, Anna's wife or daughter-in-law of Karina.

Personal life

Andrei Evgenievich succeeded not only in professional life, but also in personal. Favorite wife Anna and part-time colleague on the publishing house "Seven Days", who graduated from the current St. Petersburg State University, presented her husband with three sons, Anton, Mikhail and Ivan. The senior heir went in the footsteps of his parents and became a sports journalist, in 2012, making his father and mother grandfather and grandmother, and the youngest in 2020 was still listed by the student of the local Moscow school.

Vendenko often takes an interview, but rarely gives himself, although it is truly a truly enchanting. He organically and competently picks up words, creating an interesting connected story, professionally softens the angles, but it does not shy hard expressions. Periodically agreeing to the aunt-a-tet with media representatives, the man invariably emphasized that he didn't like himself about himself, and only briefly concerned the themes of fathers and children.

"I will not call yourself a good father. Time is limited, and I am too immersed in myself, in a profession and not attentive to children. It always seemed to me that they should have enough of my example - just need to be equal to me. But now I understand that this is not enough, you need to do something together, "he explained.

One of the main family members is the four-legged pet - the dwarf Pincher Archie, whom the owners are not different as digging with happiness and dedicate to him touching video on the occasion of small dog holidays.


After the release from the university Vendenko, for five years, worked in youth publications, in 1987 Changes the place of service for the famous "Pioneer Truth" and becoming its own correspondent who reported the news of Ukraine and Moldova. After 2 years of a talented journalist, the Moscow edition of the newspaper for children, increasing the Moscow edition of the newspaper.

In the 90s, attentive reader of the AIF editions, "Labor" and "Spark" could notice on the pages of the favorite weeks and "creations" of Andrei. Subsequently, he moved to the "new look", answered the author's heading in Komsomolskaya and put his hand to the "interlocutor."

From the beginning of zero and up to the closure, the Ukrainian, which illuminated an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the Olympic Games in 2008, 2010 and 2012, was listed by the results of the "outcomes" and pleased Russians with exclusive conversations for all sorts of topics (including not Too comfortable) with the first persons of the country. Actually, in 2014 he was entrusted to lead the project of the same name in ITAR-TASS.

Andrei Vendenko and Vladimir Putin

A representative of leading media, thanks to the unique ability to create interviews-portraits of high-ranking famous interlocutors "in full growth," learned the answers to the tricky questions from politicians. For example, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who in the 1992nd surprised him by his reflections on Adolf Hitler, and Olga Vasilyeva, musicians of Yuri Bashomet, Joseph Kobzon, Denis Matsueva, Athletes Stanislav Cherchesov and Pavel Koroskova, etc.

And only for one 2019th man managed to communicate with the new Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Belflov ("And against the flow, if necessary,"), director Konstantin Bogomolov ("Yes, I lost many, but I don't regret anything") and President of Sberbank Herman Gref ("Not Licks, Do not Warm, Not Lenan").

Many of the work of the laureate of several premiums were collected and issued by individual collections of books - "their Kremlin" and "GKCP. Version".

Andrei Vendenko now

At the start of the 2020, the shoulders of Andrei Evgenievich fell a difficult and large-scale task - to meet with Vladimir Putin. He needed to ask the chapter of the Russian Federation two dozen of questions, ranging from the presence of a twin, resonant affairs of Ivan Golunov and Kirill Serebrennikov before exploring the television series "servant of the people" with Vladimir Zelensky in the lead role and the right pronunciation of the word "Ukrainians".

The resulting material, recorded for almost four hours in the Kremlin and Novo-Ogar, was divided into 20 parts and published on all venues of the TASS edition from February 20 to March 20 with a limitation of 16+.

"We categorically did not have enough timed. There are many topics that we did not affect, and this is not because someone interfered with me, I forbade or something else, namely, because I could not meet the time. Initially, it was planned that it would be a conversation for an hour, and in the end there was a total of 3.5 hours, "the author shared.


  • 1992 - "Their Kremlin. Collection of exclusive interviews "(with Evgeny Dodolov)
  • 1993 - "GKCP. Version. Collection of exclusive interviews "

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