Alexey Nilov - 56: Interesting facts from the life of the actor


On January 31, 1964, the Russian actor Alexei Nilov was born, famous thanks to the shooting in the series "Streets of broken lamps." In 2020, it marks 56 years old. Interesting facts from his biography and personal life - in the material 24cmi.

About childhood

Childhood Alexey Nilov spent in a close communal, but this did not make it less happy:

"We lived in a 16-meter room, and I buried out somewhere 3 more than a meter. The windows went to the typical yard-well, where the sun rarely looked around. But we lived very happy, judging by my memories. "

About movies

Alexei Nilova brought more grandfather, his first role was in the movie "Snow Maiden" about five years. After that, he went to the theater institute, simply because to go somewhere else was too lazy.

About death

Alexey Nilov survived three clinical deaths. His breath stayed, and the doctors managed to literally pull him out of the world. According to the assumption of the artist himself, the wines of everything were alcohol problems.

About bad habits

Now the artist does not drink and does not smoke, but this was preceded by many years of experience in combating alcoholism. The spouse asked him to encode, but instead he simply agreed with the doctor that the whole year would not drink, and kept the word. However, then it all started again. And the problems with health helped with a detrimental dependence.

"And then I really, soberly appreciated myself and realized that the moment came when I could not drink half a liter of vodka so that no one noticed. I can not after three glasses to pronounce text with a "normal eye". I start sailing ... ", - admitted the artist.

About personal life

In the personal life the artist is picky. If something does not suit him in a woman - it's not afraid to leave. However, with the last spouse Elena, a professional photographer and the seller, the situation has changed. They live together since 2004, they have an absolutely happy family. However, the artist does not forget to communicate with children from previous marriages.

About Lenia

Despite the extensive filmography of Alexey Nilova, he considers himself a very lazy person.

"In the same way, I don't want to work. I have such a character, personal life position - do nothing. I want to be Earlier since childhood. As soon as I found out what it was, I immediately wanted to be. And in recent years, the desire has not changed. But I can't be Earlier, so my life does not satisfy me. But I am very lazy, so I do not do anything, "he admits.

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