Gerhard Schröder - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, German Politician 2021



German politician Gerhard Schröder was a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, held in Germany Post Chancellor from 1998 to 2005. Before appointment, he was the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, and now is the shareholder of the Rothschild investment bank.

Childhood and youth

Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder was born on April 7, 1944 in the German city of Mossenberg in the north of Rhine-Westphalian land. His mother worked in agriculture, and his father was a drone of the Wehrmacht, who soon after the appearance of the son died at the front in Romania.

In a difficult post-war, the boy could not get an education and, after graduating from a few classes, traded in the store with a brass goods.

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In the late 1950s, the Schröder retrained to the builder, in parallel, studying in the evening school, and then passed the applicant exam and entered the University of Gottingen. There he studied history and law and for adjacent and good assessments was able to become an assistant teacher before graduated from the Faculty of Law.

At the beginning of an adult professional biography, Gerhard was engaged in law practice and was the leader of young people in the SDPG. Among the processes conducted by him was the controversial case of Horst Maler, who was the founder of the faction called the "Red Army", as well as a member of the extreme right NDP.

Personal life

The personal life of Gerhard Schreder, a prominent man with an increase of 174 cm, in his youth was not just not easy, because he could not get a family. His first, the second and third spouses did not have children for unknown reasons, and the Chancellor was forced to part with Women Eva, Anna and Hildropora.Embed from getty images

In 1997, the next wife of a German policy that appeared in official photos was the writer and a journalist, which was called Doris Köpf. In this marriage, which lasted a decade, the couple became the parents of orphans from St. Petersburg, who received the names of Victoria and Gregor in honor of the distant ancestors.

Unfortunately, these relations were also not developed, and in 2016, the spouses broke up, and the case of their official divorce was heard over 2 years. During this time, Schröder met Kim with Yong - a translator from Korea, and then played a modest wedding, which he completed a solemn lunch.


In 1980, Schröder became a deputy of the Bundestag, and then in the Parliament of Lower Saxony and, heading the Social Democratic Party, claimed the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. And when his coalition at the end of the 1990s came to power, the politician promised to cope with the crisis and with the active support of his own supporters became the Federal Chancellor of the FRG.

During the first term of the reign, Gerhard was engaged in internal politics, but all his neoliberal solutions led to the cutting of rights and freedoms. Therefore, in the national elections in October 2002, he hardly lost to the opposition representatives and managed to resist the top of the authorities, condemning the Americans who bombed Baghdad.

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Concentrating on the reforms of labor legislation, the Chancellor managed to reduce unemployment, providing people with German citizenship with a solid number of jobs. But due to omission in the field of foreign policy and the introduction of troops in Afghanistan and Kosovo, the parliamentary party, headed by Schröder, gave way to most deputies from XDS.

True, in September 2005, during early voting, the Social Democrats united with the Communists and in the end were able to go to the Bundestag. But by this time the head of state left the post of leader of this coalition, and Chancellor became Angela Merkel, the leader of oppositionists from Hamburg.

Shortly before these political permutations, Gerhard met with Vladimir Putin and signed an agreement on the "Northern Stream", the construction of which will be engaged in Gazprom. And in 2017, after numerous accusations of betrayal and corruption, the former Federal Chancellor of Germany, by the decision of the shareholders of Rosneft, was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Gerhard Schröder now

Now, remaining as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rosneft, Schröder is a shareholder and an adviser to Rothschild Group. In 2019, he made a number of important statements concerning the power security and control of the condition of pipes. In addition, the former Chancellor of Germany became one of the few European politicians, who called on Ukraine to restore the world in Donbas, and speaking of the results of the referendum conducted in March 2014, he noted that Russia regained the Crimea.

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