Michael Korleon (character) - photo, "Great Father", description, movies, Al Pachino, Mario Puzo


Character History

Michael Korleone - a hero of a series of criminal novels about the Italian mafia "The Cross Father" and "Sicilian" created by the writer Mario Puzo. The cycle subsequently became the basis of the 3-episodes of the film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, where the named hero becomes one of the central, dramatic figures. Michael passes Evolution over time - from a guy who does not want to be mixed in the mafia policy of an influential father, to a soulless Mafia Boss, which is not stopping anything in the way of achieving the goal.

History of character creation

Mario Puzo created a novel in 1969. On the example of the family of Vito Korleon, the writer presented the history of American mafia. At that time, such sign figures as Kostello, Jenovez and others were already gaining fame. The author, despite the fact that the acting persons of his work was fictional, in fact, handed over the real picture, folding at the time on the streets of New York. The "godfather" was created by lawlessness, conducting criminal operations almost in front of the police.

That and Vito Korleon, one of the bright mafia representatives. As a real Italian, the hero has a big family - three sons and a beloved daughter. If the two senior son - Santino (Sonny) and Frederico (Fredo) - seek to go in the footsteps of the Father, then younger, Michael, chooses another life path for himself. Puzo created the image of the younger Korleon, making the young man strong, volveev, who can keep calm and cold reason in force majeure situations.

It seems that, unlike brothers, this guy is more worthy to continue the case of an influential father. Michael understands well what a danger hangs over the family, what goals now need to be put and how to preserve the life of a person who gave him life. But youthful maximalism, understanding of the cruelty of the family business, as well as recent military events encourage the character to go to marines. Pujo did not use the real prototype Michael image - unlike the Vito figure, the prototype of which was the famous Italian mafios, Carlo Gambin.

Korleone-Jr. is a collective image that made the features of the son of the mafia family. The author of the novel thought out the description of the young hero, his biography, filled with dramatic events, characteristic of the hero, a psychological portrait.

Michael Korleon's biography

About childhood in Michael's biography knows little. In the novel, it is reported that the boy was born on October 15, 1920, the sign of the zodiac of a newborn steel was scales. Already being young, the younger son of Vito entered the Dartmouth College. Here the hero gets acquainted with Kay Adams, the future wife. The attack of Pearl Harbor convinces a young man that his forces are needed in the marines. During the service, the character exhibits strength and courage, for which the Naval Cross receives. Father does not support the desire of the Son to be aside from the family affairs, but in Chinese proud of Michael's successes.

By this time, Vito's activity causes displeasure from other mafia families. The godfather want to remove, arrange an attempt, from which the Korleone-senior miraculously manage to get out alive. Seeing that the Sonny and Fredo brothers are not able to control the situation, the hero is forced to enter war with hostile clans. Michael saves the Father from the second attack, arranged by Gangster Solozzo and begins to take revenge the offender. Soon, Solozzo and collaborating with him the police captain McClaski die from the hands of the young Corleon.

In order to protect the Son from the persecution of the police, Vito sends the heir to Sicily, where hero holds 2 years. After a while, Michael meets Apollonia, falls in love with the girl and marries her. After the wedding, the couple lives happily, but from New York come sad news about the murder of an older brother, Santino. Soon, at the most "fugitive", Mafia suits the attempt, but his spouse dies instead of Michael.

Korleone junior returns to New York. Time passes, and the guy decides to find Kay Adams, first love. The character persuades the girl to become his wife and treats consent. Vito gives him family cases. Don himself promises to other "families", which does not intend to revenge for the murder of Sunny and for the attempt on him. However, immediately after the death of Father, Michael is brutally spreads with everyone who is involved in crimes against his relatives. The hero does not regret her husband sister, the Constanta, who turned out to be an accomplice of the murderers.

Learning about the activities of the spouse, Kay takes children and leaves the house. The hero leaves New York, moves to Nevada, where she submits his power casino Las Vegas. The actions of the character are criminal, Michael is interested in representatives of the United States Senate Committee. But, being smart, able to calculate the steps, having a reliable lawyer Tom Heigena, the hero avoids arrest. Soon the Korleone Jr. learns that the middle brother, Fredo, betrayed the family.

Being the wise, Fredo begins to cooperate with Highiman Rott, an opponent of Michael. When the mother dies, the character gives the order to kill his brother. Tragic events encourage a man to move away from affairs, transfer the status of Don Mafia to the nephew. But other "families" crave revenge, at the younger son of Don Vito Korleone is preparing an attempt. It is not possible to kill him - the character is injured in the shoulder. But in the shootout, the Korleone junior loses his beloved daughter.

Michael Corleon in films and books

The image of Michael Korleon appears in the novels of Mario Puzo "Great Father" and "Sicilian". The first work tells about the dramatic fate of the Korleone family. In the second book, the figure of the hero is encountered epizodically. Based on the novel "The Cross Father" in 1972, directed by Francis Ford Coppola creates the film of the same name.

In the role of Vito plays the brilliant and still young Marlon Brando, the role of Michael gets the actor Al Pachino. The screen version of the Coppola was successful and prompted the author to remove 2 more parts. The picture recreates the spirit of that time - for this, a creative group thoroughly worked out the design of artists, hairstyles, details of the interior and other. The phrases of the heroes became religious quotes.


When you want to get, we will take on those who you love. Travel and money - oil and water. The father taught me a lot in this room. He taught me: keep friends close to yourself, and enemies are even closer.


  • 1969 - "Great Father"
  • 1984 - Sicilian


  • 1972 - "Great Father"
  • 1974 - "The Cross Father 2"
  • 1990 - "Great Father 3"

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