Death Death Anniversary: ​​2020, how family lives, scandals


Domestic hip-hop has begun from Decla. It is his name that the public calls the first when it comes to Russian rap "zero". The artist came out on the stage in 1999. He dedicated to music and creativity all his life. February 3, 2020 The anniversary of the Death Deter. He died in 2019 while performing at a private party in Izhevsk. Doctors believe that the pathology of the heart has become the cause of death. The life of the artist was not easy, and the stressful situations in which he was daily, "submitted" his health.

Disorder in the family

Decl did not communicate with the Father for almost 20 years. Their conflict broke out in 2001, when Alexander Tolmatsky threw his wife and went to the young woman. The son did not understand his act and stopped communicating with his father. After 10 years, Tolmatsky-senior began to try to reconcile with his son. The producer recalls that Kirill wanted to "buried" an ax of war, but could not because of Julia's wife. She was against such kinship. The girl even refused to take the surname of her husband, because she had a "shameful train", which appeared thanks to Alexander Tolmatsky.

Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl)

The mother of Decla told that her ex-husband belonged to the son of consumer. He was interested only in Kirill's money. In a new marriage, Alexandra bore two children, but Decl with them was not familiar. After the death of Cyril, his grandmother did not inform the death of the grandson, because she had Alzheimer's disease. He was her favorite, so the mother Irina was afraid to talk about the tragedy.

Father Dell requires DNA

The whole country is watching the scandal, which broke out between Tolmatic-senior and Julia Kiselev - a widow of Dell. The way the family lives after the loss of "binder" in their relationship is striking the whole country. Alexander Tolmatsky did not accept the death of his son and carefully studied the documents describing the cause of the tragedy. Father believes that Julia has played a latter role in the worsening of the health of the singer. She sat down the scandals, even kicked the singer from the house along with their common child Tony.

As it turned out later, in the child's birth certificate in the column "Father" stands for a fiber, references to relationship with Detle. It turned out after the producer of the artist suggested opening Julia and their overall child account in the bank. Duck embarrassed Alexander Tolmatsky, and he requires a DNA test. The producer admits that even if not Kirill's biological father Tony, he will not give up his grandson. In memory of the Son, he will also love the boy as before. Julia is hiding from the press and relatives of Cyril, changes phone numbers and does not agree to DNA.

Rapers led by Timati ignored the Funeral Deter

After the funeral of Kirill Tolmakov did not appear Timati, criticism of the fans of the deceased singer fell on him. Rapper has long chucks, as it turned out, he was waiting for the right time to express grief. On the page in Instagram Timur Yunusov laid out the post in which he called himself and dech "Pioneers Hip-Hop". His gust remained unpleasant, the fans accused the artist in "Haip".


After reconciling Timati with Tolmatic-seniors, he asked permission to create a number dedicated to the dech village. Together with Raper Slame, they quail his song "My Tears". Yunusov admitted that he did not stretch his hand to Kirill, although he saw that that was "silent." He noted that he was a bad friend and made a choice in favor of money and glory. Now he regrets it.

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