Products that can strengthen immunity - list


Season of colds usually falls on autumn and winter. The sun is small, the body is rebuilt and it lacks vitamins. So that these seasons are not associated with disease and oppressed state, you need to use products that strengthen immunity. The smaller the drugs receive a person, the better. Folk remedies are not worse.

About what products to eat in food in the cold season is 24cm in the editorial material.


10 products that will help strengthen immunity in the cold season

He heads a list of useful products garlic. It is considered an effective antiviral agent for a long time. Garlic contains potassium, phosphorus, iodine, group vitamins B and C. It has a positive effect on the digestive organs, as well as to work the heart and blood vessels. It is useful to add honey to tea with garlic.


The radish in large quantities contains vitamin C. It is better to choose a black root root, in it ascorbic acid. Radish activates the protective properties of the body and makes it tight in the fight against viruses. From it is made salad or used with honey.


Hot tea with ginger, honey and lemon - an effective remedy against a cold. Therapeutic properties of this plant are highly valued by the people. The useful substances that are contained in it (zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium and vitamins), "force" immunity to work in full force. Ginger accelerates metabolism, therefore, effective in weight relief matters.


10 products that will help strengthen immunity in the cold season

The child's immunity can be strengthened without drugs, if adding honey to its diet. Thanks to the rich chemical composition, its healing properties are stronger than other products. In addition to vitamins, it contains enzymes, organic acids and mineral salts. Honey not only struggles with viruses, but also relieves inflammation.


Orange and lemon are struggling with viruses better than the rest of citrus fruits. They strengthen immunity, increase the mood and help to avoid depression. Autumn Handra attacks after grazing summer days.

Rose hip

Rosehip fruits contain vitamins C, B, K, E and P. In addition to them, there are chromium, magnesium, potassium and calcium in this product. The decoction from the rosehip not only helps with a flu with colds, but also relieves fatigue. He gives strength, and the body better confronts viruses.

Dairy products

10 products that will help strengthen immunity in the cold season

Lacto and bifidobacteria maintain the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and are responsible for immunity. Scientists have proven the theory that probiotics reduce the symptoms of influenza. You should choose "live yogurts" so that they benefit from them. Kefir and Prostokvasha Against the background of fermented milk products with additives won.

Fat fish

Tuna and salmon contain the necessary dose of omega-3 fatty acids that control inflammation in the body. If the first signs of a cold appeared, fatty fish is used on a regular basis.


This spice refers to the Superfudov group. It contains antioxidants and has the properties that relieve inflammation. It is possible to start the seasoning dishes in early September, when the cold season starts. Nutrition using turmeric at the moment of the disease will facilitate cough and remove the headache.

Green Asparagus

10 products that will help strengthen immunity in the cold season

Green asparagus contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It protects not only from colds, but also from cancer. Asparagus stabilizes blood sugar levels, removes toxins and strengthens the body in the fight against the cold.

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