Psaylok (Character) - Photo, Comic, Movies, Marvel, Olivia Mann, Actress, Abilities


Character History

Psaylok - Female Character of the Comic Series about the people of the ISS created by Marvel Comics. He passes the evolution from a simple girl named Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock to superheroid, owning telepathy and telecision. Saturated, complete adventures The life of Betsy made her one of the bright figures of comics. The girl falls into dangerous adventures, dies and resurrect to continue to fight with his enemies and help friends.

History of character creation

The creators of the heroine were writer Chris Clermont and Illustrator Herb Tripim. For the first time readers got acquainted with the character on the pages of the comic "Captain Britain" in 1976. Initially, the author planned to bring Elizabeth as a minor character who gradually discloses an amazing world of superheroes. The writer presented Betsy to the audience in the status of a professional model. Having learned that her brother Brian is a legendary captain of Britain, the girl plunges into a new world for her and reveals telepathic abilities.

Later on the plot of comics mental abilities of the character were interested in representatives of the organization U.D.A.R. Work in the new team reflected on the appearance of the heroine. The creators changed the haircut and hair color Elizabeth into purple. Over time, the description of Braddock continues to undergo changes - the character of the girl becomes more hard, self-confidence appears, the skill of the workshop to enjoy discontinued supercopiness.

According to the maintenance of comics, released in 1986, the girl was blinded by a superstrem. After Betsy lost his eyes, they were transported to Mozho, where bionic prostheses inserted into place. There, Braddock also received his "heroic" name - Psaylock. The appearance of the girl has changed - instead of the European feathers of Betsey, Asian has gained. By this time, the female character seizes the art of using its own telepathic force in the form of a "mental knife". The authors of the comic emphasized the physical strength of the Heroine High Growth - 178 cm.

Biography Psaylok

About children's years in the biography of Elizabeth in comics is told little. It is known that England became the birthday heroine. The girl's family lived in Essex County, a small town of Maldon. Betsy in the family appeared her older brother Jamie, and Brian was born with her sister in one day. After some time after the death of parents, the heroine, together with Jamie, he captures the red skull. Captain America and Captain Britain come to the aid of them. The heroine learns that Brian hides under the mask of the latter.

Soon, the girl reveals the gift of foresight, and after and telepathy. Betsy will be sent to the organization U.D.A.R., where she falls in love with Tom Lennox. When the villain Slamester decides to destroy the company, Tom, striving to save the beloved, sacrifices himself. After these events, Brian leaves abroad, and Elizabeth receives an offer to become a new captain of Britain, putting his modified suit. Saymaster does not stop on the achieved and, finding a girl, severely beats and cuts her eyes. Brian, having learned about it, returns and kills the villain. Betsy itself is sent for treatment in Switzerland.

However, from the Swiss clinic, the heroine is kidnapped and brought to MOGO, where brains are washed and cybernetic eyes are inserted. Here the character gets the name of the psail. From captivity, Braddock will argue Brian together with new mutants, after which Elizabeth is finally restored in the House of People of Xu. Having learned about her superconductors, Wolverine invites Elizabeth to join other superheroes standing on the side of good.

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According to the plot, Brian's sister turns out to be near China, where she discovers the Ninja clan called "Hand". The leader of the group, Karayab, wishes to save the favorite Cuenon, whose brain died. Consciousness of the Psaylock is transferred to the body of Cuenon, and in this case the heroine begins to work on the "hand" under the name of Lady Mandarin. Elizabeth is perfectly mastered the martial arts, mastering the technique of "mental knife". The first task from the "Hand" clan becomes a battle with Wolverine.

In the battle of Betsy, with the help of his weapon, reveals the memories of the "enemy" about it itself. Without losing time, the girl runs away with Wolverine. After a while she joins the blue team, which is headed by Cyclops. Braddock falls in love with the leader. Soon, Cuenon appears among the heroes, the essence of which is in the body of Elizabeth. An unexpected guest declares that it is she - a real psail. Because of the inability to find out who of the girls rights, the team leaves both in the camp.

But I realized that the heritage virus carries, Cuenon leaves life, returning Betsy her former appearance, character. A heavy test for the heroine was the attack of saber. To cure a girl from the Russian Academy of Sciences, her friends gathered a magic fluid from the Universe Raspberry Dawn. Thanks to this, Betsey not only cured, but also got the opportunity to teleport through the shadows. This ability helped the character in the future in the battle with the shadow king. But in the battle with Vargas Elizabeth dies. Brother bury the sister in the family cleaner of Braddokov. A year later, the girl resurrects Brian. Together they continue to fight enemies.

Psaylock in films

The image of the psyalka entered several comic shields. So, Braddock appears in the film "X-Men: Last Battle." Here the role of superheroid is performed by actress Meiling Melancon. The storyline with Elizabeth remotely resembles the original comics. Also Betsey can be seen in the film "X-Men: Apocalypse." In this film, the image of the sister of Captain Britain embodied the artist Olivia Mann. In addition to art paintings, Psaylock is present in the series telling about the adventures of X-Men.


I think the sword can be a butterfly. I was already dying once. I will die again if it is necessary.


  • 2006 - "Xu People: Last Battle"
  • 2009 - "Wolverine and X-People"
  • 2016 - "Xu People: Apocalypse"

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