Love Tolkalina in the series "Late term": 2020, shooting, interview, photo


On February 3, 2020, the "Late term" was launched on the first channel with the love of Tolkalina in the lead role. On the attitude of the actress to the film - in the material 24cm.

About the film

In the Announcement of the Multi-Series Drama of the director Dmitry Magonov and Igor Mozikhina - the story of the journalist Lera Smirnova, the husband of which after the attempt was in a coma. Journalistic investigation leads to unexpected conclusions. At the same time, Lera finds out that pregnant. The heroine will have to make a decision on which its fate depends. In the role of Lera Smirnova - Love Tolkalina. The project partners were the actors Alexander Lazarev and Kirill Grebelchikov.

About name

In the program "Evening Urgant" from 03.02.2020, Love Tolkalina emphasized that the name of the film is metaphoric. "Late term" is not about pregnancy, but about the state of the soul of a woman at that age when life is established, steep turns remained behind and comes rethinking. An unexpected pregnancy after forty-five years is changing the worldview of the heroine. She has to establish relationships, answer for the mistakes of youth, remember his feelings and afford the fact that has long been banned. Lera is fighting for the life and honor of a beloved man.

Emotionality During the Ether "Evening Urgant", once again stressed that the image of the heroine was consonant with the state of the actress, which crossed the frontier 40+.

About pregnancy

In action-scenes, where the love of Tolkalina had to play a pregnant woman, it was especially difficult. The heroine behaved too much actively, which was contrary to the "interesting position".

Love Tolkalina - Mom adult daughter. She was happy to try on a false tummy and feel like a pregnant at least a ponarow. "The body was poured inexplicable warmth and happiness," says Tolkalina in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

The state of a pregnant woman liked the performer so much that even on the page in "Instagram" appeared a photo from filming with a question for Follovers: "Why not start it good morning with pregnancy?"

About frame partners

The filming of the film allowed the actress to learn the partners in the frame. In the transfer of "Evening Urgant", Tolkalein showed what poses were taken by Lazarev and Grebenshchikov, who were not invited to the ether. And in an interview with "KP" emphasized admiration for beautiful men. According to her reviews, Kirill Grebenshchikov - a man of the witty, who brilliantly jokes and writes poems. And Alexander Lazarev is a man of encyclopedic knowledge.

About shooting

After filming the project, the actress took a pause and the year did not go into the frame. In an interview on the site, she said that the film's history is based on real events. The visualization of the Scenario of Peter Smirnov and Yana Paradish was for the actress with a difficult test, because the proportion of a pregnant heroine fell moral conviction of society, meeting with the killers of her husband, problems with the law.

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