Ross Geller (character) - Photo, "Friends", actor, David Shvimmer, TV series


Character History

Ross Geller is the main hero of the comedized television series "Friends". As a result of the international survey of Comedy Central Comedy, Ross is recognized as the best character in this project. He is the smartest among friends, but indecisiveness and stiffness are caused by numerous jokes and caustic comments.

History of character creation

The role was performed by David Schvimmer, who already worked with the producer of the project Kevin Bright. And this is the only actor whose role was written off from him. Therefore, the creators of the series decided on Ross's personality in the first place. Up until the 3 season, Alexander Rakhlenko voiced the role, after and before the final, Geller's voice was Nikita Semenov-prozorovsky.

Ross was born in 1967 on Long Island. The exact date of birth remains in question, because in some episodes the information contradict each other. Geller often says that he is 29 years old, although at the time of the end of the series the character 36.

Ross and Monica Geller grew up in the family of Jews. Parents made the eldest son with a pet, as he was a long-awaited child. Due to the unequal position, his brother and sister often quarreled in childhood.

One of the main storylines of the hero, if not to take into account the romantic relationship, is a competition with sister. And at least native people matured and try to forget the children's resentment, some competition remains anyway.

By profession, Geller Paleontologist. The scripts attributed to him the Doctoral degree of Columbia University. In the first seasons, a man works in the museum, and after becoming a teacher at the university.

Ross wondered by the creators of the films as a person is very smart, but the boring. Because of this, he is bad with people, although there is a common language with the rest of the "friends" of Sitcoma. A man is open to new acquaintances, but alone with girls behaves clumsily and ridiculous than it causes pity and ridicule.

Biography and image of Ross Geller

In the first season, the viewer lets the historic of the hero. Studying in college, the future doctor of science meets Chandler, as well as the future wife Carol Willik. Having met for 7 years, they got married, but a woman soon realized that she prefers unconventional relationships. After parting with her husband, Carol comes out with a friend of Susan, and after even makes an official marriage.

For an abandoned hero, this blow, which he "with pleasure" makes even a long time. Moreover, Carol announces pregnancy, because of which the situation is even more increasing. At this time, the future father is greatly worried, trying to take desperate attempts to get together with his ex-wife and makes a number of rapid acts.

Friends are trying to console a humiliated comrade, although the situation looks comical. Phoebe Buffe, being an empathetic man, even kisses with him in attempts to bind. But here in the life of the hero appears Rachel Green - the girl in which the hero was very in love with his youth.

A man does not decide to admit a friend of Monica in the wokers of feelings, although his attitude does not see only blind. The waitresses also saturated personal life, she threw a rich bride among the altar and decided to become an independent and independent woman.

For a long time, Green does not carefully notice these emotions, while not aware that herself is experiencing a romantic feelings for the eldest brother of classmates. But when the girl is finally recognized by Geller, he is already busy Emily Waltham.

The second marriage of the main character was much more frequent than the first. Despite the fact that he makes a girl a sentence, Rachel remains in the subconscious of the man. Actually, at the wedding celebration, he even calls the bride with the name of children's love. Emily forgives him such a laughter, but demands that the spouse no longer communicated with Green.

Ross ponders the situation and understands what kind of promise to give his wife can not. Emily submits for divorce, and a man again takes attempts to close with the dream of his life.

The biography of Ross-Rachel relationship reminds American slides. Loves then converge, then diverge. Like a caravel and heron, everyone goes to reconciliation at the moment when another is building relationships on the side. Perhaps because this pair in the series became the most discussed at the fans of the Sitkom.

It is difficult to solve the problem of collision of characters. Rachel is a young, windy special, thirsting for beautiful relationships and incredible emotions. Ross is calm and rational. In his life, the adventures rarely happen, because he tries everything to calculate a few steps forward.

But this life never ceases to present surprises. For example, friends were shocked when Geller had a pet - Kapuchin Marseille. A little monkey delivers many hassle to the owner, but helps to be careful in paternity. After the birth of Ben, Geller gladly takes the Son on the weekend and tries to become a worthy example.

Subsequently, Ross is born even daughter Emma. However, even the emergence of a common child did not help the guys get to get closer. The couple, being in Las Vegas, is combined with marriage under the influence of alcohol, but then divorces. The long-awaited reunion, which the fans of the cinema were so waiting in the last series.

The character has more thoughtful and sour expression. The voice of the main character always sounds with bitterness and annoyance. But even the description, it would seem, the tragic events in his life are filled with jokes and ridiculous accidents. And his attempts to complain to friends are poured into a friendly laughter. Take at least a quote from the first season:

My marriage tolerates collapse. Carol - Lesbian ... And I'm not.


I grew up with Monica! If you did not eat quickly - you did not eat at all! I have such a rule: either come on time, or do not come at all. My students often use it. Fibery, stop, you did not kill anyone, just people died while you were at the dentist. This is the usual coincidence.


  • 1994-2004 - "Friends"

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