Gabriel Solis (Character) - Photo, "Desperate Housewives", Actress, Eva Longoria, Series


Character History

Gabriel Solis is one of the four main characters of the American television series "Desperate Housewives". The difficult fate of the former model is a series of takeoffs and falls. Wealth and poverty, loss of children, divorces and treason - all this character is experiencing over 8 seasons, trying to find a life lesson in each situation.

History of character creation

"Desperate Housewives" from the first episodes won popularity not only in the United States, but also all over the world. The film was called the new type of television series, distant from the concept of "soap opera". The success of the painting, in general, was objectively expecting.

The secret is that the creators of the films went beyond the limits of stamps in the field of cinema. Unlike "sex in a big city," where the vector development vector is love and friendship, producer Mark Cherry decided to show the auto side of the family life.

Moreover, he deliberately put the heroine in such conditions in which they have to go to unilent acts. There are treason, betrayal and even murders. What a woman is capable on the verge of despair is a rhetorical question. In the series, the audience saw Heroin's answers to the blows of fate.

Character Gabriel Solis The creators of the series decided to put in tragic circumstances. This heroine times after a while loses children, although it was originally not planned to be pregnant. Being a fashion model and having tried the taste of a beautiful life, the moments associated with poverty come in her fate.

Rosalin Sanchez Rodriguez was originally listened to the role of Gabi, but the producers did not take an actress because of her heavy Puertoric Accent. Even before the beginning of the casting, the screenwriter offered the director to invite actresses from "Sex in the Big City" on the role of housewives. So, Gaby would have to play Christine Davis.

Laura Harring also passed the role of Gabrielle. But Eva Longoria Parker approved. Mark Cherry, listening to Eve on Casting, asked her opinion on the scenario as a whole. In response, the actress stated that he read only his words. The producer immediately thought that she was exactly the one he was looking for. The role of Gabi was voiced by Svetlana Kuznetsov.

Biography and image Gabriel Solis

Gabriel Marquez Rode from Las Quinaca Texas. In 5 years she lost his father, he died of cancer. Being a 15-year-old teenager, Gaby was raped by stepfather Alejandro. Without having met the support of the mother, the girl ran out of the house and began an independent life in New York.

In the youth, Gabriel Marquez met with a photographer who helped her to become a fashion model. The girl rotated in high circles, often visited secular events, where he met the future husband - Carlos Solis. The man promised his beloved beautiful life if she married him and cast a career model. Gabi agreed, and they moved together to Visteria Lane.

In the 1st season, Gabriel feels loneliness, because the husband pays little attention to her. She has an intrigue with gardener John. Carlos suspects treason, so asks his mother Huanit to trace his wife. She removes lovers to bed in bed, and is going to present the son documentary evidence. But her car knocks, she falls into someone and later dies in the hospital.

Carlos has problems due to illegal business, so it is contained under house arrest. Dreaming of children, he changes the contraceptive pills of his wife on a pacifier, and a woman will be pregnant. True, the question of who the biological father remains open. Gaby does not know Carlos or John.

As a result of an accident, a woman happens to miscarriage. Carlos and Gabriel are trying to conceive a child again, but the chances are small. Couple wants to adopt a child Libby Colinz - Lily. The spouses give temporary custody on the girl, but later the native mother decides to pick her back.

Then Solis decide to resort to surrogate motherhood. Help them agrees the housekeeper Shao May. But this step did not lead to happiness. Carlos changes his wife with her, and after the Negriten born is born. It turned out that the hospital was confused by biological material, and the newborn turns out to be completely alien.

Gaby takes a divorce and marries the mayor of the city - Viktor Lang. But she traveled Mrs. Lang long - soon the woman understands that, despite the treason, she still loves her former husband. Because of Tornado, Victor dies, and Carlos is losing sight. Gabriel does not throw a loved one and remains to take care of him.

In the 5th season, the heroine has changed much. The viewer sees a description of family life 5 years after a tornado. Due to the fact that the husband is blind, he has to work as a massage therapist, and money is missing. Gabi itself has grown out, changed luxury curls on a short hairstyle. The mother of the daughters of Juanita and Selia greatly stunned, replaced the style. Dressing out of dresses in the home outfits, she is entirely devoting to the house and children.

But the black strip becomes the take-off. Carlos make the surgery and restore vision. Gabriel has problems with Huanita, and later she learns that because of the mistake in the hospital she brings up a sloping daughter. With the help of a lawyer, a woman finds Grace Sanchez and trying to pick up a real child, especially since she is brought up in the family of poor immigrants.

For some time, the girl moves into the house of the Solis, but the legitimate mother still takes Grace. Relationship with Huanita is even more glowing. Gaby buys a doll, which is a native daughter and slowly begins to go crazy. Carlos notices mental changes in time and forces his wife to be treated.

The character of the heroine demonstrates a very strong person, however, she is not all over the shoulder. The blows of fate apply mental injuries. Sometimes it seems that it is easier to plunge into the saving darkness of madness.

But Gaby finds incentives to live - for the sake of the house, for the sake of the family, for the sake of children and beloved. Even in poverty, the heroine did not see the reason to lose heart. This is also talking about her quotation:

I was on Mels many times, but was not poor! Poverty is a state of mind.


You are such a good man. I hate you for it. Havorone in a difficult minute will support, a great friend will pretend that I didn't notice anything. I don't just love you, I love how you love me! Oh! No no! I'm desperate! But that is, in the shower. Where the mascara does not flow! Put. I said that I was sick, I do not want to be hand.


  • 2004-2012 - "Desperate Housewives"

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