Film "Harriet" (2019): Release date, actors, roles, trailer


On September 10, 2019 at the International Film Festival in Toronto, the premiere of the American biographic drama "Harriet" took place. Cash taxes in the USA at the end of January amounted to $ 42 million. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material on creating a film, actors and roles that they executed interesting facts.


The director of the painting and the author of the script has become american actress, screenwriter and producer Casey Lemmons. Her outstanding works, such as: "Eva Rain" (1997), "Talk with me" (2007), "Black Christmas" (2013) - became nominees for awards, among which Ota Film Award, Aafca Award, Image Award and other.

The script for the film was written by Casey together with Gregory Allen Howard. The film Debra Martin Chase, Gregory Allen Howard, Daniela Notel-Taplin.

Music accompaniment to "Harriet" Posted by American jazz trumpeter and kinocompositor Blanchare Terens. His compositions can be heard in the films "Kloshar" (2001), "The necessary people" (2002), "not caught - not the thief" (2006).

The preliminary release date in Russia is April 11, 2020.

Actors and roles

The plot of the film is based on real events. Harriet Tabmen (Cynthia Erivo) participated in organizing a secret system of shoots of slaves from Kentucky , Virginia, Georgia, Maryland to the Northern States and Canada.

Cynthia Erivo - British actress, who performed the roles in the paintings "Nothing good in the hotel Eh Royal" (2018), "Widow" (2018).

According to the trailer, the name Harriet Tabmen is unreal. The Heroine of Minti Ross overcomes a long way to freedom. The heroine followed the polar star 160 km, and, having reached the target, changed the name to Harriet Tabmen and decided that he could not leave the family, while being free.

Harriet Tabmen entered the story as a woman who committed 19 days over the "underground railway" and freed about 300 slaves.

The roles of mother and father Harriet, Ben and Rit Ross, played Clark Peters and Vanessa Bell Callowway.

American actor, writer and director Clark Peters was involved in the filming of the American television police drama "WORKER" (2002-2008).

Vanessa Bell Kalloway played a role in the biographical film about the life of Tina Turner "What love is capable of" (1993), and was also involved in the shooting of the pictures "Daylight" (1996), "Brothers" (2001), "Bikers" (2003) .

The film also starred: Joe Alvin (Gideon Brodess), Henry Hunter Hall (Walter), Tim Guini (Thomas Garrett), Joseph Lee Anderson (Robert Ross), Antonio J. Bell (Henry Ross) and others.

Interesting Facts

Blanchart Terens recorded for "Harriet" 35 compositions, including "You The One Call Moses", "Our Time Is Near (OUR PEOPLE ARE Free", "Stand Up (from Harriet)", "Walk Like You Have A Right To "and" Walking Into Freedom ". High orchestral scores helped smooth the sharp corners in the image of the events and the image of the underground railway conductor Harreieta Tabmen.

The official slogan painting "Be Free or Die".

"Harriet" became the first full-length film dedicated to the "Underground Railway". In the literature, the secret system was described by Harriet Bilecher-Stow in the novel "Huts of Uncle Tom" (1852) and the story of Konstantin Sergienko "take us, Pegasus!". He mentioned Harriet Tabmen and Rick Riordan in the book "Percy Jackson and a Maze of Death".

Cynthia Erivo and Blancher Terens received nominations for the Golden Globe premiums, and on February 9, 2020, there are awards for the 92nd Oscar Prize for the best female role and the best song, respectively.

The film "Harriet" - Trailer:

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