Piero della Francesca - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Artist, Cause of Death, Creativity



Piero della Francesca is a bright representative of early rebirth in Italy. The work of the Italian painter laid the foundations that became samples for the artists of the subsequent era. The master paid a lot of attention in the canvases of precision perspective, compositional harmony, a combination of colors. The paintings of the author are filled with solemnity and majesticity.

Childhood and youth

Art historians are not aware of the exact date of the artist. Piero was born, presumably, in 1415-1420 in the village of Borgo San Sepolkro. In recessed sources, it is reported that the father of the future painter was engaged in leather and wool trading. Most likely, the security of the father allowed the boy to receive a good education: he knew Latin, mathematics and geometry. This is evidenced by the late treatises of the master on building perspectives in the paintings.

Father Piero believed that the Son would continue a family business, would become a merchant. However, Francesca delusted, being a teenager, declared his desire to devote the life of painting. About this fact in the biography of the Italian painter is reported in the book of Georgeo Vazari "BestInstivities".

Personal life

The preserved data reports that in his personal life the artist all forces spent on creativity. Della Franst was not his wife and children.


Researchers agree that the unique style of the artist formed under the influence of the picturesque school of Florence. Most likely, Young Piero took the first drawing lessons from an unknown Creator in Siena. From the preserved documents, it is known that already in 1439 Della Francesca moved to Florence, where the artist Domenico Venetciano created the frescoes for the local church with the artist Domenico.

Soon about a talented young artist found out in Rome. The young man received an invitation from Pope Nikolai V to perform paintings on the territory of the Vatican. In 1451, Piero began to serve at the Palace of the Duke of Syzhipondo Malatles. Following the fashion of that time, the young man created the duke of the canvas, on which Malatest was depicted near the Holy Sigismund. Then the master creates an amazing and subtlety of the frescoes for the Church of St. Francis to Arezzo.

The main place in the early work of the artist occupy the plots for religious topics. Returning to the native city, Della Francesca wrote work for the Palazzo local nobility, in particular, the scenes from the passions of the Lord and the "Resurrection of Christ". Italian artist can bring the innovation features in the style of painting of early rebirth, in which the Byzantine canons of the drawing are still feeling.

In 1469, the Master invite to work at the courtyard of the Duke Federico in Urbino. Here the painter creates one of the brightest and mysterious cloths in creativity - "Book of Christ". According to the composition of the canvas close to the diptych, in which the left side reflects the plot of the score of the Savior, and the right demonstrates the conversation of three men. There is still no consensus between art historians, which symbolizes the dialogue of three heroes, what they are talking about.

World famous in the creative biography of the author found a double "Duke of Duke Federigo and Montefeltro and Duchess Battists Sforza", written after 1472. The picture, which received the name "Urbinsky diptych" in an art historian environment, also has different interpretations. Some researchers adhere to the opinions that the steam portrait was created immediately after the wedding of the duke. Others argue that the picture was ordered by Federigo to perpetuate the memory of the spouse who died in 1472.

This is a web is important for the history of world painting in that there has been a transition from religious subjects to secular. For the duke, the work of Altar Montefeltro was created, on which the Federigo himself is depicted among the saints who came to worship the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus.

By the end of life, the artist could no longer work in former volumes, as he began to lose sight. It prompted him to move interests with painting on mathematics. The master created two treatises dedicated to the study of phenomena perspectives in visual arts. In these works, Piero performed as the theoretical culture of early revival. The famous paintings by the author today are exhibited in museums and galleries of the world, and photo of the canvas and frescoes are laid out on the net.


The painter, stealing by the end of the 80s of the XV century, nevertheless continued to create. Master died in 1492. The cause of death is unknown. Being idle and childless, the man wrote a testament to his brother and other relatives. The grave Piero is in the Abbey Borgo Sanspolkro.


  • 1450 - "Baptism of Christ"
  • 1460 - "Bacheling of Christ"
  • 1460 - "Madonna Del Parto"
  • 1462 - "Madonna Mercy"
  • 1465 - "Resurrection of Christ"
  • 1466 - "History of the True Cross"
  • 1469 - "Saint Nikolay Tolentinsky"
  • 1470 - "Polyptih San Antonio"
  • 1472 - "Urbinsky diptych"
  • 1474 - "Altar Montefeltro"
  • 1475 - "Christmas"

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