Birthday Roman Popova: 2020, biography, personal life, photo


On February 9, 2020, the star Comedy Club and Comedy Battle, Mukhich from the series "Policeman from Rublevka" Roman Popov celebrates the 35th anniversary.

Interesting facts from his biography and personal life - in the material 24cmi.


Popov's novel was difficult to call an obedient child. In his youth often upset his parents. At about 10 years, he stole a considerable amount of money to buy chocolate bars on them. They did not scold the guy, they just declared him a boycott, and this punishment artist considers the worst.


Despite the mopavility and overweight, the peers did not tease Popov. However, he himself composed about this. The complexes prevented the artist to enter Gitis, but in a humorous career he made these features with his chicken. However, now the artist has lost markedly and continues to work on his own body, which can be seen even by numerous photos in "Instagram".


Money Artist does not put in the first place, although it does not exclude that his inner comfort directly depends on them:

"Therefore, yes, in the first place the family, and in the second - my inner comfort, which, as a rule, depends on the first and third place."

About rest

Roman Popov loves to relax, but his rest, as a rule, is not particularly active.

"To be honest, I am an absolute seal in terms of rest. I love to lie, listen to music or read, "the artist admits.

About kids

In view of the insufficient degree of decent products of their activities, Roman Popov does not tell the children who he actually works.

"In any case, my children do not even realize that dad is engaged in humor. In their eyes, dad just goes somewhere and brings money, "Roman told.

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